CCNP BSCI Exam Certification Guide (CCNP Self-Study, 642-801) (3rd Edition)


Clare Gough , CCIE No. 2893, has worked as a network engineer for 17 years , during which time she has managed and designed large-scale networks. In 1997 she was one of the first women to gain her CCIE.

In addition to being a network design consultant, she is an acknowledged authority on the development and delivery of technical training. She is the author of several Cisco Press books, now used throughout the world. At Digital Equipment Corporation in Atlanta, she was part of the development team responsible for the production of all training materials. She also created PATHworks System Management courses. As the third employee hired by Protocol Interface, which was the first Cisco Training Partner, Clare eventually became the company's first training manager and saw it grow to become a part of Global Knowledge.

Born in England, Clare holds two master's degrees and moved to the United States in 1991, where she now lives with her husband and young son.
