Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft))

Books for Visual Basic and Visual Studio Programming

Printed books about Visual Basic and Visual Studio programming provide in-depth sources of information and self-paced training that Web sites can supplement but not replace. As you seek to expand your Visual Basic and Visual Studio programming skills, I recommend that you consult the following sources of printed information (listed here by category). Note that this isn't a complete bibliography of Visual Studio 2005 titles, but it is a list that's representative of the books available in English at the time of the initial release of Visual Studio 2005. I also list books related to database programming, Web programming, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) programming, and general books about software development and computer science.

Visual Basic 2005 Programming

Visual Studio 2005 and Microsoft .NET Framework

Database Programming with ADO.NET

Web Programming with ASP.NET

Visual Basic for Applications Programming

General Books about Programming and Computer Science
