[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] abstract classes TestCase writing unit tests for AbstractDBConnectionTestCase class (example) AbstractNodeTester class AbstractTest class BaseViewTestCase subclass naming convention for classes acceptance tests accessor functions actionPerformed( ) Add button, testing for Library GUI add( ) (AddBook example class) 2nd AddBook class (example) add( ) executable class that creates dialog improving layout of Add Book dialog initial unit test for initial version of addBook( ) (Library class example) AddBookTest class (example) AddBookView class (example) Add button functionality addControls( ) with improved layout code initial version of AddBookViewTest class (example) implemented as subclass of BaseViewTestCase test of the Add button addChild( ) (XMLElement) addTest( ) TestSuite class aggregating multiple tests [See TestSuite class] agile development Test Driven Development (TDD) Apache Crimson XML parser Apple Safari browser, performance testing of application example [See library application] AreEqual( ) (Assert) Assert class AreEqual( ) and IsNull( ) test assert methods , listing of assert functions ASSERT macros assert_( ) assertDoubleEquals( ) assertEqual( ) assertEquals( ) comparing Book objects comparing the values of two arguments CppUnit Asserter namespace (CppUnit) assertion_traits template AssertionFailedError class assertNodeTestPasses( ) asserts [See also test assert methods] custom, defining excessive number in a test method with a message 2nd 3rd plain test method containing several (testing single behavior) test method with many (testing multiple behaviors) assertTrue( ) 2nd 3rd 4th UnitTest class assertXMLEqual( ) assertXMLIdentical( ) assertXMLValid( ) assertXpathExists( ) assertXpathsEqual( ) assertXpathsNotEqual( ) attributes C# combining in NUnit public vs. private attribution for material from this book AutoRegisterSuite class AWT TestRunner |