Software Development: Building Reliable Systems

Skills Tracking

We recommend you automate your organization's skills tracking process. This makes it easier for developers to keep their skill profiles updated as well as allows for creation of a searchable database. Tracking the skills of your software developers serves many purposes. For a developer, it provides an opportunity for self-evaluation , allows them to track their skills versus others in the organization, and helps in setting development goals. For managers, tracking provides a metric to evaluate their organization's strengths and weaknesses in order to help establish training and hiring priorities. A searchable skills database also allows one to locate needed skills across a large organization. We also use a portion of the skills tracking evaluation during the interview process to help judge the technical expertise of candidates.

We have included sample self-evaluation templates for object-oriented programming skills in C++ and Java. The Java self-evaluation was patterned after the earlier C++ template. In both cases, these evaluations attempt to differentiate those who simply know the syntax of the language and those who truly understand object-oriented programming.

Sample C++ Programming Self-Evaluation

Rating 0: No Skill

Rating 1: Beginner

Rating 2: Intermediate

Rating 3: Accomplished

Rating 4: Expert

Rating 5: Master

Sample Java Programming Self-Evaluation

Rating 0: No Skill

Rating 1: Beginner

Rating 2: Intermediate

Rating 3: Accomplished

Rating 4: Expert

Rating 5: Master
