Google Search and Tools in a Snap

54. Dig Deeper on Any Web Page with AutoLink



Use the Google Toolbar to Search from Anywhere

Customize the Google Toolbar

AutoLink is one of the more clever features of the Google Toolbar. It enables you to dig deeper into any page you're on and automatically creates links to information related to what's on the page. Specifically, it looks for addresses, books, and Vehicle Information Numbers (VINs) on any page it finds. It then creates links to each of those pieces of information that provide more data about the item, for example, showing you a map of any address on the page.

Key Term

AutoLink A feature of the Google Toolbar that automatically creates links on pages you visit so you can delve deeper into the information presented on the page.

Dig Deeper on Any Web Page with AutoLink

Make Sure AutoLink Is Turned On

AutoLink should be automatically turned on when you use the Google Toolbar. However, you might have accidentally turned it off, or it might be turned off for another reason. To turn it on, click the Google icon at the far left of the Google Toolbar and choose Options from the menu. In the Toolbar Options dialog box that opens, make sure you are on the Browsing tab. Then enable the check box next to AutoLink.

Customize AutoLink Settings

To provide additional information about any link on the page, AutoLink needs to use information providersservices that provide maps, International Standard Book Number (ISBN) information, and VIN information. By default, AutoLink uses Google Local for maps, Amazon for ISBN information, and CarFax for VIN information. You can change those providers, though. To do this, click the AutoLink Settings button on the Toolbar Options dialog box. Then from the drop-down lists, choose the providers you want to use for maps, ISBN information, and VIN information.

You can also choose whether AutoLinks should be opened in new browser windows, or should instead be opened in the existing browser window. By default, AutoLink opens new links in the current window. To make the new pages of information open in a new window, enable the Open AutoLinks in new window check box.

When you're done, click OK to close the AutoLink Settings dialog box and return to the Toolbar Options dialog box. Click OK to close the Toolbar Options dialog box.

Look for AutoLinks.

On any page you visit, click the AutoLink icon in the Google Toolbar. (It's the icon of a magic wand, and is labeled AutoLink.) If an AutoLink cannot be created for information on the page, you get the message No items found.

If a link or links is found, you get a message telling you how many links were found, and the links are created on the page itself as well as displayed in the Google Toolbar. In addition, the AutoLink text changes to reflect the links it foundfor example, the link Look for Map appears next to the magic wand icon if AutoLink found a map. When you click the Look for Map link (or any of the other AutoLinks), you are sent to the place on the page where the link was created.

Go to the Link

The AutoLink works like any other link: it's highlighted in blue on the page as well as underlined, and when you hold your mouse over the link, you see a ToolTip that explains it's an AutoLink. Click it to get more information. For example, when you click a map AutoLink, you are sent to a map of the location.
