ADO.NET in a Nutshell

SqlDbType serializable

System.Data ( enum

This enumeration is used to specify the SQL Server data types . For information about what .NET type each SQL Server data type maps, refer to Appendix A.

public enum SqlDbType { BigInt = 0 , Binary = 1 , Bit = 2 , Char = 3 , DateTime = 4 , Decimal = 5 , Float = 6 , Image = 7 , Int = 8 , Money = 9 , NChar = 10 , NText = 11 , NVarChar = 12 , Real = 13 , UniqueIdentifier = 14 , SmallDateTime = 15 , SmallInt = 16 , SmallMoney = 17 , Text = 18 , Timestamp = 19 , TinyInt = 20 , VarBinary = 21 , VarChar = 22 , Variant = 23 }


System.Object figs/u2192.gif System.ValueType figs/u2192.gif System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable , System.IConvertible) SqlDbType

Returned By


Passed To

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter.{SqlDbType , SqlParameter( )} , System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.Add( )
