ADO.NET in a Nutshell
This class represents a parameter for a stored procedure or parameterized query. For information about the basic OleDbParameter members , refer to the reference for the System.Data.IDbDataParameter and System.Data.IDataParameter interfaces, which OleDbParameter implements. In addition, the OleDbParameter class adds a new property: OleDbType . This property sets the OLE DB data type of a parameter. You should always set this value (explicitly, or through one of the constructors) rather than the more general DbType . When you set OleDbType , DbType is updated automatically with the most compatible System.Data.DbType value. public sealed class OleDbParameter : MarshalByRefObject , System.Data.IDbDataParameter, System.Data.IDataParameter, ICloneable { // Public Constructors public OleDbParameter ( ); public OleDbParameter ( string name , object value ); public OleDbParameter ( string name , OleDbType dataType ); public OleDbParameter (string name , OleDbType dataType , int size ); public OleDbParameter (string parameterName , OleDbType dbType , int size , System.Data.ParameterDirection direction , bool isNullable , byte precision , byte scale , string srcColumn , System.Data.DataRowVersion srcVersion , object value ); public OleDbParameter (string name , OleDbType dataType , int size , string srcColumn ); // Public Instance Properties public DbType DbType {set; get; } // implements System.Data.IDataParameter public ParameterDirection Direction {set; get; } // implements System.Data.IDataParameter public bool IsNullable {set; get; } // implements System.Data.IDataParameter public OleDbType OleDbType {set; get; } public string ParameterName {set; get; } // implements System.Data.IDataParameter public byte Precision {set; get; } // implements System.Data.IDbDataParameter public byte Scale {set; get; } // implements System.Data.IDbDataParameter public int Size {set; get; } // implements System.Data.IDbDataParameter public string SourceColumn {set; get; } // implements System.Data.IDataParameter public DataRowVersion SourceVersion {set; get; } // implements System.Data.IDataParameter public object Value {set; get; } // implements System.Data.IDataParameter // Public Instance Methods public override string ToString ( ); // overrides object } Hierarchy
System.Object Returned By
OleDbCommand.CreateParameter( ) , OleDbParameterCollection.this Passed To
OleDbParameterCollection.{Add( ) , this} |