Mastering Dreamweaver MX Databases
radio button as HTML input element, 72
Radio Button object, 84
radio group control, 519–520
Radio Group dialog box, 519
Radio Group object, 84
RadioButton web server control, 329
RadioButtonList web server control, 329
Rand() function (SQL Server), 165
Randomize() function (Access), 204
RangeValidator web server control, 329
Rate() function (Access), 207
Real datatype (SQL Server), 162
Record Insertion Form, 530
Record Insertion Form dialog box, 531
Record Navigation Status Server Behavior, 529
Record Update Form dialog box, 536
Record Update Form menu, 532
RecordCount property, of MM:DataSet Custom tag, 355
RecordCountCommandTest property,
of MM:DataSet Custom tag, 355
records in database
deleting, 450–451
HTML forms to delete, 539–542, 540
HTML forms to update, 532–538
adding page, 534–537
Go To Detail Page Server Behavior, 532–534
limiting number displayed, 507
term defined, 91
Recordset dialog box, 400, 482
Advanced mode, 483, 485–486, 486,
611–613, 612
for dynamic text on template, 641
with filter, 535, 536
final configuration, 485
for join in Details.asp, 561
for search filter, 605
SQL statement in, 482–486
Dreamweaver generation of, 483–484
Recordset Navigation Bar dialog box, 528, 528
Recordset Navigation Bar object, 524
Recordset Navigation Bar Server Behavior,
507–508, 508
Recordset Navigation Status dialog box, 529, 529
Recordset Navigation Status Server Behavior,
509, 509
Recordset Server Behavior, 481, 482, 548
Recordsets, 348, 471
creating, 481–486
filter for, 535
for search page, 605
testing, 486
redirect command, of ASP.NET Response object, 339
Redirect element, of ASP Response object, 301–303
redirecting users to different URL, 282
redundant data and relational database theory, 89–90
@ Reference directive (ASP.NET), 324
referential integrity, 114–116
cascading options, 116–117
regions. See also editable region; optional regions;
repeating region
editing properties, 634
@ Register directive (ASP.NET), 324
of custom tag in ASP.NET script page, 353, 356
of visitors to web site, 422–425, 423
Registry, ColdFusion client variables in, 253
RegularExpressionValidator web server control, 329
relational databases
history, 90
term defined, 91
theory, 89–90
definitions, 91
RelationsCollection object, 349
relationships, 105–109
foreign keys for, 110
joins, 107–109
many-to-many, 106, 107
one-to-many, 106, 106
one-to-one, 105–106
term defined, 91
remote host, connect and disconnect, 39
REMOTE_ADDR server variable, for ASP Request object, 309
REMOTE_HOST server variable, for ASP Request object, 309
REMOTE_IDENT server variable, for ASP Request object, 309
REMOTE_USER server variable, for ASP Request object, 309
Repeat Region dialog box, 364, 505
Repeat Region Server Behavior, 504–505, 505, 548
Repeat Rows Of The Table property, for repeating table, 630
Repeater Server Behavior, 509–510
Repeater web server control, 329, 363–368, 366
repeating region
in Details page, 560
inserting in template, 628
moving rows outside, 525–526
table with, 402, 402
on template, 617
repeating table, inserting in template, 629–630, 630
Replace() function (Access), 197
of ColdFusion server settings, 255, 255
Jet SQL to populate, 211
Request object (ASP), 303–311
Request object (ASP.NET), 340
Request object (ASP)
clientcertificate collection, 309–311
Cookies collection, 307–308
Form collection, 304–305
Querystring collection, 306–307
ServerVariables collection, 308–309
REQUEST_BODY server variable, for ASP
Request object, 309
REQUEST_METHOD server variable,
for ASP Request object, 309
Require() function (PHP), 398
RequiredFieldValidator web server control, 330, 332, 333
parameters, 334
reserved words
in MySQL, using for identifiers, 153–154
and naming conventions, 53
Reset button as HTML input element, 71
Response object (ASP), 297–303
Response object (ASP.NET), 337–339
Response object (ASP)
Buffer element, 298
Cookies element, 297–298
End element, 300–301
Flush element, 299–300
Redirect element, 301–303
Write element, 298–299
restoring backups, testing, 407
Restrict Access To Page dialog box, 418, 419
Results panel, broken links on, 43, 43
right-clicking, preventing for web pages, 664
Right$() function (Access), 196
RIGHT() function (MySQL), 151
right outer join, 109, 109, 110
Rnd() function (Access), 203–204
ROUND() function (MySQL), 148–149
ROUND() function (Oracle), 126
for date/time, 128
Round() function (SQL Server), 165–166
row in database table, term defined, 91
ROWNUM() function (Oracle), 131
Rowset functions, in SQL Server, 168
RunAt property, of MM:DataSet Custom tag,
353, 354
RUNAT="SERVER" parameter, 325, 327
RunSQL method, of DoCmd object, 212