PANTONE colors are specialty colors that are often used by companies to create a consistent identity by maintaining accurate color. Currently, Pages and Keynote do not support these colors directly, but you can create a close simulation in Photoshop and then bring the colors into Keynote or Pages as a graphic. You can then use the Color window to sample the imported colors. This will allow you to more closely match a PANTONE color (but the color will not be identical).
1. | Launch Adobe Photoshop by clicking its icon in the Dock. |
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2. | Create a new document sized 1024 x 768 pixels and using RGB mode. |
3. | At the bottom of the toolbox, click the foreground color swatch to open the Color Picker. |
4. | Click the Color Libraries button to access the color libraries. |
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5. | Pick a color from the library that matches your needs. |
6. | Click OK. |
7. | Select one of the shape tools and make sure the Shape layers button is selected in the Options bar. Drag in the canvas to add a new shape filled with the custom color. |
8. | Use the text tool to label the color swatches with the PANTONE numbers. |
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9. | Continue to add more swatches as needed. |
10. | Save the file as a PSD file. |
11. | Import the graphic into Pages or Keynote. Using the Color Sampler, you can now access the swatch for a color that is very similar to the PANTONE color. |