Apple Training Series: iWork 06 with iLife 06
Index[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] P key, navigation shortcut Page Down, navigation shortcut Page Up, navigation shortcut Pages [See also marketing package ; newsletters.] color customization hyperlinks/addresses in Pages documents opening Word files script/storyboard presentation [See script/storyboard presentations.] three-panel brochure [See brochures.] passwords, in kiosk mode PDF files controlling PDF file size exporting newsletter to exporting poster to exporting to photos [See also images.] adding to iPhoto adding to poster adding to slides album in iPhoto cut-outs in custom themes enhancing exporting exporting to create podcast importing for brochure masking masking with shapes raw files for import still straightening Photoshop compatibility with Keynote photo cutouts processing raw photo files pie charts, animating pixels, converting placeholders editing image in newsletter replacing in poster replacing text in newsletter playback controls Exposé/Dashboard and freeing up RAM in kiosk mode mouse pointer behavior and preventing transitions from being clipped scaling slides up troubleshooting plus symbol (+) in formatting text in shapes using to navigate slide switcher PNG format, saving Photoshop files podcast, creating using GarageBand point sizing pointer, mouse postcard adding text designing back designing front repeating template poster adding artwork changing colors/sizes replacing placeholder text saving for multiple purposes template power users [See advanced techniques.] PowerPoint presentations bar charts chart animation chart clean up chart enhancement chart style comments added to importing overview pie charts rehearsing slide content table enhancement title slides PowerPoint, exporting to presentations [See animating presentations ; graphics ; hyperlinks ; PowerPoint presentations ; publishing presentations ; script/storyboard presentations ; themes.] presentations, creating bullet points, modifying Inspector window and launching Keynote master slide selection media added to [See media.] outlining overview rounded rectangle added to slides added to slides, cleaning up slides, creating first slides, formatting text on spelling errors, correcting styling bullet points styling titles table cells, filling table header rows, filling tables added to text, pasting into outline text, placing inside shapes text, shape for holding theme selection titles, modifying Presenter Display previewing printing handouts speaker notes projector, hooking up to laptop proposals, laying out in Pages publishing presentations adding/printing speaker notes creating podcast using GarageBand exporting images exporting to Flash exporting to HTML exporting to PDF exporting to PowerPoint exporting to QuickTime giving presentation with laptop overview printing handouts sending to iDVD to .mac |