Adobe Creative Suite Keyboard Shortcuts


access keys, 7

accessibility features, 812


advanced options, 122

arranging and closing windows , 116117

bookmarks, 107

comments, 120122

creating and opening files, 103104

cutting, copying and pasting, 106

displaying document properties, 105

finding text, 106107

going to views and pages, 110111

moving the focus, 112

navigating through a document, 114

Navigation pane, 112113

page setup and printing, 105106

quitting, 104

reading out loud, 114115

rotating the view, 112

saving and closing files, 104

selecting objects, 107

selecting text, 108109

selecting tools, 117119

spell-checking, 107

toolbars , 110

undoing and redoing, 106

views, 109110

working with pages, 115116

zooming, 111112
