Adobe Creative Suite Keyboard Shortcuts


page setup, 32, 105106, 163164


in GoLive, 169170

in Illustrator, 8081, 96100

in InDesign, 130133, 158159

in Photoshop, 5861

pasting, 3334, 76, 106, 126, 165


actions, 71

adjusting images, 4346

aligning text, 55

batch processing, 72

blending modes, 4850

Camera Raw dialog box, 67

clipping masks, 52

closing files, 29

configuring, 3031

creating and opening files, 2729

cropping, 40

customizing shortcuts, 6871

cutting, copying and pasting, 3334

dodging and burning, 5051

droplets, 72

external automation, 72

Extract dialog box, 6264

feathering and filling, 47

Filter Gallery, 67

filters, 5354

fonts, 56

getting information and help, 31

hyphenation, 57

kerning, 57

layers , 5153

leading, 57

Liquify dialog box, 6465

moving objects, 3839

page setup and printing, 3233

painting tools, 51

palettes, 5761

Pattern Maker dialog box, 6567

Photomerge dialog box, 68

quitting, 29

saving files, 2930

selecting objects, 3738

selecting text, 5455

switching between Edit and Screen modes, 48

tracking, 57

transforming objects, 4647

undoing, redoing, and reverting , 3132

views, 3436

working with tools, 4043

printing, 3233, 75, 105106, 125, 163164
