The HP Virtual Server Environment: Making the Adaptive Enterprise Vision a Reality in Your Datacenter

The Cell board Instant Capacity solution offers you a way to have extra cell boards on a system without having to pay the full cost of those resources when the system is acquired.

Cell Board Instant Capacity Use Model

The use model for Cell board Instant Capacity is much the same as it is for Instant Capacity for CPUs. The only major differences include:

  • The cell will also contain memory, so the codeword you get to activate the cell will include the code for the cell, the memory on the cell, and potentially one or more of the CPUs on the cell.

  • Until a future release of HP-UX, the cell cannot be activated on line. You will have to apply the codeword, assign the cell to a partition (if it isn't already in one), set the cell's Use on Next Boot flag to "y," and then reboot the partition.

Cell Board Instant Capacity Requirements

There are a couple of extra requirements for Cell board Instant Capacity. These include:

  • All of the memory on the cell must be activated when the cell is activated.

  • At least one CPU must be active on every cell in a partition. It is possible to activate the cell board and memory without getting additional CPUs by deactivating a CPU somewhere else on the system. This is a way to increase the amount of memory to a partition without having to add additional CPUs. This will also provide more flexibility in the future because you can now use Temporary Instant Capacity or the Instant Capacity CPU rebalancing capability to increase the capacity of this partition if an unexpected load occurs on the partition.
