FileMaker Pro 8 for Windows & Macintosh

FileMaker lets you set the ruler and grid to measure the layout and its items in inches, pixels, or centimeters.

To change ruler and grid units


To change the units, choose Layouts > Set Rulers.


The Set Rulers dialog box appears. It includes two pop-down menus (Figure 12.19). The top one sets the Units used by the Graphic rulers, Ruler lines, the Object Grids, and the Size palette. The second pop-down menu, Grid spacing, controls the fineness of the Object Grids' mesh of horizontal and vertical lines. Make your adjustments to one or both pop-down menus and click OK.

Figure 12.19. The Set Rulers dialog box includes two pop-down menus: one for ruler units and one for controlling the fineness of the Object Grids' mesh.
