Microsoft SQL Server 2000 High Availability


back-end deployment, 612

backup and restore

attach/detach database and, 624

backup process, 38485, 41617

barrier categories, 38182

database log behavior and, 400404

database structures and, 385

differential database backups , 42426

differential file/filegroup backups, 427

differential rotation, 43839

file-based backup strategy, 44042

full database backups, 41822

full database-based backup strategy, 43538

full file/filegroup backups, 42627

overview of, 37980

recovery models. see recovery models

restore process, 7172

retention period, 43334

SQL Server 7.0 upgrades and, 620

strategy, 42933, 44344

symptoms and recovery, 384

technology for, 380

third-party software, 509

user error and, 38284

write-ahead log, 38690

backup and restore, implementing, 44479

automating and simplifying, 46672

backup devices, 44546

backup job completion, 47475

backup options, 44445, 45254

clustered environments and, 5078

database recovery. see database recovery

file-based backup, 46265

full database-based backup, 46062

multifile backups, 45052

NUL device, 44748

operating systems, 5013

parallel striped backup device, 44850

split-mirrors, 45559

SQL Server Agent backup jobs, 47274

storage assisted backups, 455

third-party hardware and tools, 45455

tips and best practices for, 499501

verifying backups, 47578

Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS), 45960

Windows Backup, 5027

backup and restore, transaction logs

backups, 42224

continuity, 39294, 397

full, 39497

management, 39899

performance, 39091

BACKUP DATABASE command, 460, 462

backup devices

creating, 44546

multifile, 45052

NUL, 44748

parallel striped, 44850

reading, 485

removing, 446

BACKUP LOG command

WITH NO_LOG, 394, 397


backup logs

@backup_log, 312

reviewing, 501

backup media

accessing media sets, 485

LTO (Linear Tape-Open), 43839

manipulating, 453

reading, 485

rotating, 433

storing, 434

tape, 499, 501

tape devices, 45354

backups. See also backup and restore; recovery models

backup share, 292

change implementation and, 46

defining individual, 452

disaster recovery without, 27172

documenting, 541

file/filegroup protection, 12526

hardware-assisted , 221

hotfixes and, 625

log shipping and, 29394

master database and, 57173

naming conventions, 417

Network-Attached Storage and, 9899

options, 44445, 45254

overview of, 7172

planning, 44

recovery models and, 415

replicated databases and, 36465

run books and, 536

service packs and, 625

storage location, 434

strategy for, 38485

types of, 41617

upgrades and, 583

Backup tool. See Windows Backup

backup windows, 385


log shipping and, 75, 28586

Network-Attached Storage and, 99, 100

system, 111

transactional replication and, 75

baselines, 702

Baseline Security Analyzer, 146

basic disks

creating, 17778

failover clusters and, 218

overview of, 121

batch processes, 382, 384

BCP, 61920

BCV (business-continuance volume), 457

binary storage, 500

bits of physical memory

32-bit, 658, 666, 677

64-bit, 658, 674

BizTalk servers, 54849

blocking, extended, 721

block size , disk formats, 122


/3GB boot.ini switch, 664

/MAXMEM switch, 67374

/USERVA boot.ini switch, 665


availability and, 1617

constraints, 52225

cost as barrier, 18

dedicated environments, 37

disk subsystems, 52022

geographically dispersed clusters, 60

log shipping vs.transactional replication, 75

technology selection and, 73

tradeoffs, 526


Bulk-Logged recovery model

comparisons with other recovery models, 4056

log shipping and, 28384

overview of, 40911

when to use, 412

business-continuance volume (BCV), 457
