Microsoft SQL Server 2000 High Availability


damage assessment, disaster recovery, 56263

dark fiber networks, 60

DAS (Direct-Attached Storage), 9798, 103

data, 27677

data centers, 1930

cabling, 2527

communications systems, 2527

location, 2124

networks, 2527

overview of, 1920

power supply and, 2527

security, 2425

support agreements, 2829

third-party hosting, 2728

under the desk syndrome, 2930

data definition language (DDL), 349

data interfaces, 536

Data Source Names (DSNs), 290, 539

Data Transformation Services. See DTS (Data Transformation Services) packages

data warehouses, 113, 122

database administrators. See DBAs (database administrators)

database identifier (DBID), 281

Database Maintenance Plan

backup options, 444

initial backups , 303

log shipping configuration, 3048, 32426

primary server and, 323

removing log shipping, 31920

secondary servers, adding, 33335

database recovery, 47999

completion states, 483

file-based backup, 49095

file creation phase, 48182

full database-based backup, 48789

hardware failure, 487

media copy phase, 482

moving data to new location during, 49899

NORECOVERY completion state, 484

overview of, 47981

phases of, 481

point-in-time recovery, 49697

RECOVERY completion state, 48384

redo and undo phases, 483

restore options, 48586

STANDBY completion state, 484

types of failure and, 48687

database system engineers (DSEs), 4145

database-level login, 287


access methods , 646

attaching/detaching vs. backup and restore, 62224

backing up, 29394

backing up replicated databases, 36465

configuration options, 657

corruption, 656

@database, 316

dependencies, 54549

instances, 59394

list of, 54445

log shipping and, 280

log space monitoring, 722

placement of, 12426

read-only access, 27475

replication, 34546, 34852

risk assessment, 54445

run books and, 538

size of, 88, 12730

structures, 385

synchronization methods, 517

transaction logs, 4014

VLDBs (very large database), 430

DBAs (database administrators)

change management, 35, 4145

documentation and, 31

focusing on requirements before technology, 515

hardware procurement, 131 case study, 527

recovery model and, 4078

rollout implementation, 4647

SQL Server tools and, 64

team creation, 3032

upgrading SQL Servers and, 617

DBCC CHECKDB, 500, 65152

DBCC DBREINDEX, 652, 65456

DBCC INDEXDEFRAG, 126, 64951, 653, 656








DBID (database identifier), 281


DDL (data definition language), 349

deadlocks, monitoring, 721

Debug directory, Windows Server 2003, 152

debugging code, 648

decision process, availability technology, 7274

declarative referential integrity (DRI), 383

default instances, databases, 62, 59394


indexes, 65354

VLDBs, 65556

deletes, capacity planning, 9193

demilitarized zone (DMZ), 167, 516


application, 540

failover clusters and, 22021

risk assessment and, 54548


availability technology selection, 73

Network-Attached Storage, 99

rollout implementation, 4647

tasks following, 4748

deployment phase, SQL Server 2000 upgrade, 612

detach/attach databases, 62224

developers, case study, 53031

developing phase, SQL Server 2000 upgrade, 611


change management and, 3841

environment, 3638 case study, 52829

monitoring, 692

overview of, 3841

device drivers, 107, 562

differential database backups

costs of, 439

executing with Transact -SQL, 462

full database-based backup and, 435

how they work, 42526

log shipping and, 29394

overview of, 42425

differential file/filegroup backups, 427

differential rotation, 43839

Direct-Attached Storage (DAS), 9798, 103

direct code, 515

disaster recovery, 53377

availability costs and, 1617

backup and restore. see backup and restore

chain of command, 554

communication plan, 54

damage assessment, 56263

defined, 4

executing, 55760

failover clusters. see failover clusters, disaster recovery

full-text indexes, 57576

implementing, 55356

master databases, rebuilding, 56670

master databases, restoring, 57173

model database, 57475

msdb database, 57374

MTTR and, 11

overview of, 56

planning, 534

reconstruction, 56365

replication. see replication, disaster recovery

risks. see risk assessment

run book, 53441

SLAs and, 54142

synchronizing logins, 576

techniques, 56061

tempdb, 566

testing, 55657

upgrades and, 582

user databases, 57576

disk arbitration process, 105

disk cache, 11314

disk configuration, 85138

capacity planning. see capacity planning

database file size, 12730

disk cache, 11314

disk drives , 10910

disk subsystem types, 97103

disk types, 12122

example of, 13037

failover clustering, 1037

file placement and protection, 12327

file system types, 12122

formats, 12223

hardware, 11011

RAID and, 11419

remote mirroring, 11920

server clusters, 1037

spindles, number of, 1089

SQL Server interaction with disks, 11213

storage composition, 120

terminology, 8586

Windows requirements, 14446

disk drives

adding to failover clusters, 22931

adding to server clusters, 19495

configuration, 232

disk space and, 8788, 625

DISKPART and, 19597

documenting, 538

log shipping requirements, 28081

monitoring, 722

overview of, 10910

performance counters, 9396

planning disk subsystem, 51819

redundancy of, 381

replication requirements, 36063

shared, 17679

Windows, 121

disk drives, failover clusters

configuration, 21618

corrupt or nonfunctional, 271

disaster recovery when there is no backup, 27172

quorum disk corruption, 26768

quorum disk failure, 26667

Disk Management, Terminal Services, 147

disk mirrors. See split-mirrors

disk space

capacity planning and, 8788

upgrades and, 625

disk stripes , 457

disk subsystem

architecture, 51819, 595

budgets , 52022

SQL Server 2000 upgrade and, 595

types of, 97103

Windows Server 2003, 159


LIST DISK command, 197

LIST VOLUME command, 196

scripts, 197

Distance limitations, availability technology, 78, 80

distributed databases, 538

Distributed Transaction Coordinator (DTC), 188, 605

Distribution Agent, 353, 355

distribution database, 12425, 366


backing up, 366

disaster recovery scenarios, 37172

separating from Publishers, 35658

server cluster design and, 520

DMI tools, 695, 703

DMZ (demilitarized zone), 167, 516

DNS (Domain Name Service) server, 200, 206

documentation. See also run book

application tests, 4041

data interfaces, 536

DBAs skill in, 31

overview of, 49

patches, 58182

risk exposure and, 525

rollout implementation and, 4647

run book, 53441

system, 589

upgrades and, 58182, 625

version control, 40

domain accounts, 291, 599

domain connectivity, 278

Domain Name Service (DNS) server, 200, 206


failover clusters, 25960

log shipping across, 292

server clusters, 16770, 190


acceptable, 276

adding disk to cluster, 107

availability and, 1011, 1617

business impact of, 516

log shipping and, 75, 274

risk assessment, 910

transactional replication and, 75

DRI (declarative referential integrity), 383

drives. See disk drives

DSEs (database system engineers), 4145

DSNs (Data Source Names), 290, 539

DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator), 188, 605

DTS (Data Transformation Services) packages

database synchronization, 517

moving, 287, 68990

storing as files, 536

transactional replication and, 369

transferring logins, 30910

transferring objects, 68689

Dumpcfg.exe, 266

dynamic disks, 121, 218

dynamic DNS, 200
