Microsoft SQL Server 2000 High Availability
hackers, 531
architecture, 518 “19
availability technology, 74
backup and restore barriers, 381
DBA role in procurement, 131
disk configuration, 110 “11
disk drives , 109 “10
duplicates in case of failure, 553
failures, 562
monitoring, 702 “3
RAID, 119
recovering from failures, 487
requirements, 78, 80
selection and costs, 519
vendor information, 536
Windows Server 2003, 155
hardware-assisted backups , 221
Hardware Compatibility List. See HCL (Hardware Compatibility List)
HBAs (host bus adapters)
booting Windows from SANs, 145
server clusters and, 105, 521
support for, 162
HCL (Hardware Compatibility List), 615
geographically dispersed clusters, 60
SANs and, 106 “7
server cluster configuration, 53
server clusters and, 160 “64
health checks, SQL Server 2000 upgrade, 592
heartbeat. See private networks (heartbeat)
help desk personnel, 43 “44
high availability, preparation, 2 “18
barriers, 18
calculating availability, 10 “11
costs, 16 “18
defining, 4
disaster recovery, 5 “6
environment assessment, 15 “16
guiding principles, 7 “8
negotiations, 13 “14
nines, 11 “13
overview of, 3 “4
prevention, 4 “5
project team, 6 “7
risk assessment, 9 “10
trade-offs, 8 “9
types of unavailability, 14
host bus adapters. See HBAs (host bus adapters)
hosting, third-party, 27 “28
hotfixes. See also service packs
adding disk to Windows 2000 Server, 194
critical, 624
emergency, 626 “27 case study, 530
rules of thumb, 625 “26
server clusters, 181
testing prior to rollout, 581
when to use, 635 “36
hot-swappable drives, 110
HTML, 712
hub, server cluster design, 521