Microsoft SQL Server 2000 High Availability


WANs (wide area networks), 27

warm standby, 348, 516

WHERE clauses, 91, 92

WHQL (Windows Hardware Quality Labs), 98

wide area networks (WANs), 27

Windows 2000 Server

high availability options, 15455

memory, 14041

MS DTC on, 18487

Network Load Balancing and, 200, 2034

processors supported, 14041

resource Kit, 266

server cluster installation, 17980

server clusters, adding disks to, 19495

server cluster types, 15759

service account passwords, 192

Terminal Services and, 147

Windows 2000 Server, Advanced Edition

failover clustering and, 212

installation order for failover clusters, 227

nodes supported for failover clustering, 214

resources, not starving, 225

Windows 2000 Server, Datacenter Edition

failover clustering and, 212

hotfixes, 626

installation order for failover clusters, 227

nodes supported for failover clustering, 214

Windows 2003 Server

32-bit memory, 14142

64-bit memory, 14142, 658

disk subsystem, 159

encryption and, 122, 146

high availability options, 15455

Media Sense modifications, 170

memory, 14041

MS DTC on, 18789

NetBIOS, disabling, 168

Network Load Balancing and, 200, 2034, 207

processors supported, 14041

resource kit, 266

server cluster installation, 17980

server cluster types, 15759

server roles, 14852

service account passwords, 19293

shared disks, 177

shutdown features, 15254

SQL Server and, 14344

Terminal Services and, 147

Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS), 45960

Web Edition, 140

Windows 2003 Server, Datacenter Edition

certified cluster applications, 165

failover clustering and, 212

installation order for failover clusters, 228

nodes supported for failover clustering, 21415

Windows 2003 Server, Enterprise Edition

certified cluster applications, 165

failover clustering and, 212

installation order for failover clusters, 228

nodes supported for failover clustering, 21415

Windows Authentication, 641, 64647

Windows Backup, 5027

creating backups , 5035

overview of, 5023

restoring backups, 5057

Windows Catalog, 16065

Windows Clustering, 5258. See also server clusters

components , 5457

concepts, 5758

overview of, 52

server clusters, 5254

server configuration for, 154

Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL), 98

Windows Internet Name Service (WINS), 174, 200

Windows Management Instrumentation. See WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)

Windows servers

administering server clusters. see server clusters, administering

high availability options, 15456

implementing server clusters. see server clusters, implementing

Network Load Balancing. see Network Load Balancing clusters

planning server clusters. see server clusters, planning

Windows version upgrade, 61415

Windows System Resource Manager (WSRM), 681

Windows versions

32-bit memory, 666

64-bit, 674

failover cluster support, 212

memory split in, 65860

service packs , 62728

Windows versions, configuring, 13954

32-bit vs. 64-bit, 14142

disk requirements, 14446

pre-Windows disks. see disk configuration

security, 14647

Terminal Services, 147

version selection, 13941

Windows Server 2003, 14344, 14754

Windows versions, upgrading, 61216

clustered servers, 61516

performing on a server, 61415

reasons for, 61214

stand-alone servers, 615

WINS (Windows Internet Name Service), 174, 200

WITH NO_LOG, 394, 397


WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation)

automating collection of data, 712

hardware layer monitoring, 703

overview of, 7045

write-ahead log, 38690


WSRM (Windows System Resource Manager), 681
