Microsoft SQL Server 2000 High Availability
Allen Hirt with Cathan Cook, Kimberly L. Tripp, and Frank McBath
PUBLISHED BY Microsoft Press A Division of Microsoft Corporation One Microsoft Way Redmond, Washington 98052-6399
Copyright 2004 by Microsoft Corporation
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Microsoft SQL Server 2000 High Availability / Allan Hirt ... [et al.]. p. cm. Includes index. ISBN 0-7356-1920-4 1. SQL server. 2. Client/server computing. I. Hirt, Allan.
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About the Authors
Allan Hirt
Allan Hirt is a consultant for Microsoft Consulting Services based in the Boston, Massachusetts, area and has more than 10 years of enterprise relational database experience. He has authored numerous white papers and training courses for Microsoft (including the white paper Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Failover Clustering ) and has contributed to other documents about high availability. Allan has presented at various conferences, including SQL Pass, TechEd, Microsoft Global Briefing, and a spotlight session at the November 2002 SQL Pass conference.
When he is not working, Allan is the main composer and arranger and the bass player for a jazz ensemble that has a few released CDs, and the bass player and keyboardist for a Rush tribute band. He is currently writing and arranging for a big band recording project scheduled for the fall of 2003. As if he were not busy enough, Allan is also the co-Webmaster of and the Webmaster of .
Cathan Cook
Cathan Cook provides strategic consulting about large system architecture and management. She works for Microsoft Enterprise Services and has an extensive background in managing projects through the full life cycle of planning, development, testing, operations, and optimization.
Her technical focus is on data-centric or information-sharing systems that must be highly available, scalable, and manageable; her nontechnical focus includes the process- and people- related issues that affect these systems and the management techniques that make them successful. Cathan is a coauthor of several books, including Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit , and of many white papers, including SQL Server 2000 Operations Guide and Internet Data Center Reference Architecture.
As a work hobby, she experiments with finding better or more useful ways to design systems and has a particular interest in research projects such as SDSS SkyServer. In her Spare Time , she pursues activities such as scuba -diving, tai chi, theater arts, and maintaining a collection of animated foreign films , self-reflective artwork, and Hispanic artifacts from the Caribbean. Her pastimes include studying technology as culture, interpreting opera, and reading about philosophy and science. She is currently working on a novel and is planning to resume work on her Ph.D. next year.
Frank McBath
Frank McBath has worked in IT for more than 15 years and extensively with SQL Server for the last decade . Currently he is working on the Microsoft Siebel Global Alliance team for creating the next generation of technologies. Prior to joining Microsoft, he worked for several major enterprise software companies, Fortune 100 firms, and consulting houses . Frank has extensive experience in enterprise implementations , upgrades, deployments, and production support. In 2000, Frank was named the Microsoft Distinguished Consultant of the Year.
Kimberly L. Tripp
Kimberly L. Tripp, a SQL Server MVP, began working in the database field in 1989. Since 1995, Kimberly has worked as a speaker, writer, trainer, and consultant for her own company, SYSolutions, Inc. In 2002 she joined six other SQL Server specialists to form Solid Quality Learning, a high- end training and consulting firm with more than 100 years of combined database expertise.
Kimberly frequently writes for SQL Server Magazine and was a technical contributor for the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit . She has lectured for Microsoft TechEd, PASS, SQLLive, and SQLMagazineConnections, where she is consistently a top-rated speaker.
Additionally, Kimberly works closely with Microsoft to provide new and interesting technical resources, including the SQL Server 2000 High Availability Overview DVD, which features more than nine hours of in-depth technical content, demos, and peer chats with MVPs. Currently, Kimberly is working to help create Yukon content, including labs and white papers.
Prior to starting her own company, Kimberly held positions at Microsoft including Subject Matter Expert/Trainer for Microsoft University and Technical Writer for the SQL Server Development Team. You can get more information about Kimberly at . When Kimberly is not working she enjoys scuba diving, underwater photography, playing with her dog, and relaxing with her friends .
Allan Hirt
You do not create a book of this size and scope in a vacuum , and this book would not have come together without a lot of help. First and foremost, I need to thank my family (Mom, Dad, and Dorine), friends (Dave, Mike, Shelley [Dude], Becca, Becky, and Ken, to name a few), and bandmates old and new for putting up with my lack of availability during the writing of this book, as well as for their support. I would be remiss if I did not thank my local MCS management for their copious support during the writing of the book. From a historical perspective, I would like to thank people like Robert Schroyer, Jeff Lesser, Ricky Ford, and Bob Toth for seeing potential in me that needed just the right amount of push and cultivation.
Now that the book is in your hands, I can get back to composing and arranging for a big band album to be recorded in the fall of 2003. Who would have thought I would have a nearly 1,000-page book on store shelves before a jazz CD on a real label? Dave, you were right about that one!
From a book perspective, I must first thank Cathan Cook, Frank McBath, and Kimberly L. Tripp, who wrote or cowrote some portions of the book. There is no way I could have finished this book all on my own. They all sacrificed their time, so I would also like to thank their friends, family, and colleagues for putting up with them during those times, all because I asked them to contribute. Cathan and Kimberly have been friends for quite a while and have been there from nearly the beginning when this was just a white paper! Special thank you wishes need to go to Jeffrey Aven, Maria Balsamo, Todd Bonner, Thomas Casey, Patrick Conlan, Filo D Souza, Scott Gaskins, Brian Goldstein, Matt Hollingsworth, Marc Ingle, Tom Lucas and the rest of his team, Max Myrick, Greg Page, Vaqar Pirzada, Mark Pohto, Dave Poole, Mike Ray, Greg Smith, Azhar Taj, Don Vilen, Dave Whitney, Logan Worley, and anyone else who has influenced, contributed, or helped along the way with the book. I also consider some of these people friends, and I am glad they are on my side.
There are many more people at Microsoft who should be thanked for their support of me these past few years or for their friendship (and sometimes even both!), but there is not enough space here. A quick attempt at a list other than the aforementioned: Donald Elliott, Rebecca Laszlo, Steve Murchie, Joe Yong, LeRoy Tuttle, Tim Wolff, Dave Wickert, Mark Souza, Bren Newman, Prem Mehra, Alex Nayberg, Richard Waymire, Euan Garden, Will Sweeny, Steve Snyder, Howard Yin, and Lisa Pennington.
On the Microsoft Press side, I would like to thank Kathy Harding, Julie Miller, Michael Bolinger, and Maureen Zimmerman for putting up with me for all of these months. Maureen, in spite of me missing a few deadlines here and there, is an excellent editor who really knew when to push and when to let up. I would especially like to thank Kathy for her friendship during the past few years and for getting the book through the approval process and humoring me by talking about it much longer! I finally put my proverbial money where my mouth was. This book could not be in your hands without the team of editors from nSight, Inc., who did a yeoman s job editing the manuscript and preparing it for production: Tempe Goodhue, Teresa Horton, Joseph Gustaitis, Piotr Prussak, and Robert Saley.
Technical reviewers were crucial for this project. Without them you would not be reading this. They made sure that what you re holding in your hands is accurate and covers what it needs to. (Although, in a book this size, I am pretty sure that if something was forgotten, it will be covered in future editions.) The reviewers are Pankaj Agarwal, Rick Anderson, Pete Apple, Sandy Arthur, Ruud Baars, Tom Casey, Andrew Cencini, Brian Goldstein, Matt Hollingsworth, Michael Hotek, Jakub Kulesza, Ed Morrison, Max Myrick, Terrence Nevins, Vaqar Pirzada, Grigory Pogulsky, Ward Pond, Paul Randal, Steve Schmidt, Ray Schueler, Greg Smith, Xavier John Vetticappallil, Don Vilen, Landy Wang, Chris Whitaker, Dave Whitney, Mark Wistrom, and Michael Zwilling. If I accidentally left anyone off this list, my sincerest apologies!
Cathan Cook
Since we started collaborating on projects remotely several years ago, Allan and I have worked on many projects together. When Charlie Kindschi and Ann Beebe first brought me in on the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Resource Kit project based on my real-world perspective, I never thought it would launch my career the way it did. Looking back on everything, I am amazed at the far-reaching effect a team united by dedication and enthusiasm can have, even when separated by thousands of miles and political boundaries in a large established company. This is a tribute to the difference you can make when you care about doing things right, and to those we met along the way who really get it.
My special appreciation goes to the people who sponsored my work on the first high availability project I worked on for Microsoft: Rebecca Laszlo, Billie Jo Murray, Steve Murchie, and Joe Yong. Well-deserved thank-yous go to Tom Lucas and his team in Microsoft SSITOPS for their outstanding monitoring code and perpetual willingness to help, and to Filo D Souza and Todd Bonner for precision performance and scalability tips, based on their work on the benchmarks. I also want to express my sincerest appreciation to my mentors (in chronological order): Kevin Cook (who was the start of it all), Arnie Carlson (who taught me the HA mindset), J.C. Armand (who put me in charge and let me take my own risks), Jim Carroll (who perpetually challenged me to challenge myself ), and Dr. Jim Gray (who taught me to reach for the stars).
Of course, my list of thank-yous would be incomplete without saying how much I owe my MCS management for their support in this and other similar global reach projects, and for making them enlightening and character-building experiences. Most of all, I am deeply grateful and indebted to my family, who have kept me sane and who I love very much: Travis, the coolest kid I know; Selene, Rorden, and Augustan, who taught me the value of nuisance; Kevin, my personal hero; Martha and Cookie, who did my work at home so I was free to do this work for you; and Pat and Chuck (Mom and Dad), for teaching me I could do whatever I put my mind to.
Frank McBath
I would like to dedicate my contribution to this project to my wife, Nancy. To family and friends who were there along the way for me: Tom, Ginger, George, Marjorie, Courtney, and Martha Anne McBath. To great people who have given me opportunities at Microsoft: Bryan Krieger, Harry Merrill, and Peggy Seymour. To personal friends who helped me along in life: Tom Sanders, Bill Simon and Lynn Randolph, Clyde and Fay Moore. And to great people I ve been able to work with: Harv Sidhu, Dan Ely, Dan Grant, Dave Sabaka, Paul van Wingerden, Lucy Fraser, Shrikant Parimi, Kay Johnston, Rick Stover, Kim Slee, Christoph Schuler, Jeff Collins, Hans Reutter, Mike Hatch, Juergen Thomas, Peter Scharlock, and Filo D Souza.
Kimberly L. Tripp
I started working with databases in 1988 after an advertisement I produced for IBM (while working in marketing and advertising) went nationwide . It required customization for different IBM branch offices and therefore a database to track all these orders. It was a great project and introduced me to databases ”DataEase, to be specific. One of my colleagues (Ward L. Christensen) recommended me for a FoxBASE project, and when they asked him how much I knew about FoxBASE, he said, Nothing, but hire her anyway. Another nine months later, it was certain ”working with databases was where I was going to stay. Thanks, Ward ”you defined my career s direction!
In the 15 years that have followed, there have been so many wonderful influences in my career that I know I m not going to have a chance to thank them all here . . . and really, this isn t my main work, it s Allan s, so I ll be brief. To start, I d really like to thank Allan and Cathan for their dedication and inspiration to continuously make the book better ”revision after revision after revision. And where would I be without the SQL Server Development team; thanks for making my career possible and for keeping it interesting! Specifically, special thanks go to Greg Smith, Don Vilen, Patrick Conlan, Steve Schmidt, Mike Zwilling, Lubor Kollar, Richard Waymire, Gert E.R. Drapers, Lale Divringi, Ted Hart, Richard Hughes, Gavin Jancke, and Rande Blackman. Outside of the SQL team there are so many others from high school to college to the present: Craig Shaw, Ross Naheedy, Jeffrey Starzec, Garry Foreman, Charlie Spencer, Marshall Olsen, Scott Gaskins, Stacey Dickenson, William R. Vaughn, Kalen Delaney, and all of my partners at Solid Quality Learning, who always amaze me with their dedication and skills. Finally, probably more influential than anyone: my students and conference/workshop attendees who have asked great questions ”many of which I needed to research to answer, and I only learned more myself!
Above all, I would like to thank my family, my friends (Stacy, Jenn, Philo, Liz, Ken and Kristen, Bobbi and Bill), and my partner (P.C.) for all of their support and understanding when I had to work instead of going out or seeing a band. I owe you guys a few beers!