Microsoft SQL Server 2000 High Availability

At some point, you might be called on to execute the plans you have put into place. Successful execution means more than just the correct bits on the disk. It is about the process and organization of the team to get to that point. If you have not tested your plan and do not have the confidence that you know it will work and how long it will take, you could be in for a rude awakening. It cannot be stressed enough how much preparation shortens downtime. Keep in mind that even with careful planning and tests, you can always encounter a situation that is beyond your control. Even with careful planning and testing, you could still miss the agreed-on timeframes detailed in your SLAs. These are the realities of disaster recovery, as it is by nature a difficult and pressure-filled operation. Do not plan for disaster recovery or go into executing a plan thinking that everything will go as planned; expect the unexpected.

During the execution of the actual recovery, everyone involved should be making notes about what is working and what is not, or where things are inaccurate. These notes can be logged directly into the run book text as each step is executed. Notations such as This did not work for the following reason and This is what had to be done to resolve the issue allow process and procedure improvement. After the fact, recall will not be complete and accurate, so any postmortem used to improve the process and procedures will not be as productive as possible, and could even cause future harm if incorrect information is acted on. This postrecovery meeting will assess what was good and what was bad and the feedback should be reflected in an updated disaster recovery plan.

Example Disaster Recovery Execution

The following is a simple example of a basic recovery plan execution.

Roles and Responsibilities

Recovery Timeline

Each recovery for each company is different. Different personnel and capabilities exist. Hence, each schedule will be different. The idea is that one person cannot be expected to do it all and responsibilities and roles need to be parceled out appropriately.
