Inside Delphi 2006 (Wordware Delphi Developers Library)

EConvertError, 279-280

EDivByZero, 279-280

Enabled property, 231, 296

encapsulation, 203

C++, 213-214

EndDoc method, 592-594

EndDrag method, 415-416

endl, 36


EndPaint function, 507

EndUpdate method, 310

enum, reserved word, 171


and sets, 302

C#, 680-681

C++, 171-172

Delphi, 165

properties, 525-526

enumerator class, 696

C#, 702

Eof function, 178-179

Eof method, 396-397

Equal operator, 708

equality operator, 63

escape sequences, 220

event handlers, 232, 303-304

creating empty, 234

dynamic, 258-259

dynamic, C++, 261

removing, 234-235

event-driven applications, 225

EventHandler delegate, 691

events, 225, 536-538, 712

C++Builder components, 548-549

multicast, 690

responding to, 231-233

except, reserved word, 278

Exception class, 286-289, 681

exception handling, 277

__finally, 289

C#, 681-683

catch, 278, 281-282

custom exceptions, 286-289

default exception handler, 292

EConvertError, 279-280

EDivByZero, 279-280

except, 278

Exception class, 286-289

exception object, 285-286

finally, 289

on, 280

OnException event, 292

protected block, 278

raise, 282-283

raising exceptions, 283-285

reraising exceptions, 282-283

resource protection, 289-291

TApplicationEvents component, 292

throw, 282-283

try, 278

Exclude procedure, 690-691

with sets, 167

Execute method, 328-329

ExeName property, 315

Exit procedure, 140

Explicit operator, 708

exports, 437-438

expressions, 25

extern, 133

extern "C", 452

external, 438

Extract Method refactoring, 612

Extract Resource String refactoring, 611

ExtractFilePath function, 315

ExtractIcon function, 506
