Inside Delphi 2006 (Wordware Delphi Developers Library)
IDE, 1
identifiers, 22-23
if, 45, 48
C#, 667-668
C++, 63-65
conditional operator, 66-67
multiple testing, 51
nested, 50
nested, C++, 65-66
ifstream class, 220-221
ILDASM, 666, 675
Image class, GDI+, 726
Image Editor, 541
Image List Editor, 327
image processing, 639
adjusting brightness, 649-650
custom pixel descriptors, 647-648
customized grayscale, 651-654
grayscaling, 648
inverting colors, 641-642, 646-647
Pixels property, 641
solarizing, 642-643, 647-648
Images property, 328
implementation, reserved word, 100
in, 100
with sets, 167-168
Inc procedure, 90
include guards, 241-242
Include procedure, 690-691
with sets, 167
Include Unit Hdr, 262
increment operator, 41-42
index directive, 572-574
indexed properties, 572-574, 599
indexers, 710-712
IndexOf method, 311-312
inheritance, 210-212
C++, 217
inherited, reserved word, 619
INI files, 383
initialization section, 104
initialization, global variables, 105
inline directive, 116-119, 131
inline methods, 216
Insert procedure, 151
instance list, 3
integer data types, 19
converting, 154-155
interface, reserved word, 100
IntToStr function, 154
Invalidate method, 475
InvalidateRect function, 487-489
InvertRect function, 374
I/O, 175
C++, 220-221
errors, 177-178
IOResult function, 177-178
is operator, 298-299
ItemAtPos method, 414-415
ItemHeight property, TListBox component, 566
ItemIndex property, 307, 317
Items property, 305
itoa function, 162-163