Oracle9iR2 Data Warehousing
Calculation Builder, 470-73
Calculations, 470-73
analytical, 429-30
creating, 471
financial, 430
graphing, 472
parameters specification, 472
report totals, 417
Capacity Planner, 383
CASE expression, 127-28
defined, 127
searched, 127
use example, 127-28
uses, 128
Change data, 212-20
capture (CDC), 213-20
changes, transporting, 220
identifying, 212-13
processing, 217-20
publishing, 214
publish/subscribe architecture, 214
querying, 218
subscribing, 216
subscription creation, 216-17
subscription termination, 220
See also Extracting data
Change set, 214
Change tables, 213
Classification, 478-81
algorithms, 482
building model for, 487-90
confusion matrix, 479, 480, 481
for customer profile creation, 478-79
defined, 478
illustrated, 479
model testing, 479
process, 478
See also Data mining; Oracle data mining
Cleansing data, 221-22
combining/separating and, 222
transformations for, 261-62
Clustering, 477-78
algorithms, 482-83
defined, 477
illustrated, 477
in market segmentation, 478
performing, 478
See also Oracle data mining
cardinality, 70
foreign-key, 99
visible restriction, 309-10
width (reports), 418
Composite partitioning, 82-85
defined, 82
illustrated, 82
process, 83-84
types of, 82
uses, 85
See also Partitioning
Compression, 92-94
attribute, changing, 94
bitmap index, 92
b*tree index, 92
key, 92
segment, 92-93
CONCAT operator, 244, 440
Conditional report, 420-21
Confusion matrix, 479, 480, 481
Constraints, 43-51
arguments against, 44
check, 48, 63, 65
creating, 61-65
defined, 43
disabling, 44, 242
Easy Shopping Inc., 61-65
enabling, without validation, 246
foreign, 47
null, 46
primary-key, 180-81
recording, 49
reenabling, 241, 243
referential integrity, 238
relationship defined by, 181
rewrite and, 180-82
system tables, querying, 49
validation, 49
viewing, 50
violations, handling, 245
Control file, 228-29
data definition language, 229
defined, 228
illustrated, 229
role, 228
See also SQL*Loader
Cost-based optimizer, 94, 95
defined, 95
query rewrite and, 186-87
CREATE DIMENSION statement, 162, 163, 167
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement, 140, 147-48
CREATE OUTLINE statement, 385
CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement, 272-73
creation, 456
defined, 434, 450
properties, editing, 456
See also OLAP metadata
CUBE operator, 102, 103
defined, 102, 103
output comparison, 104
with supported aggregates, 103
time/space consumption, 104
See also SQL functions
Cube Viewer, 456
Cube Wizard, 453-56
dimensions selection, 453
fact tables selection, 453
joining dimensions and fact tables, 454
measures specification, 455
summary screen, 455
CUME_DIST() function, 113, 124
Custom backups, 351-52
CWM packages, 450-51