Oracle9iR2 Data Warehousing
Table functions, 264–66, 433–34
defined, 264
invoking, 266
object technology, 264
OLAP_TABLE, 448–49
backing up, 277
change, 213
creating, 61–65
data mining formats, 485, 486
dimension, 23, 41–43
external, loading with, 247–55
fact, 22, 23, 41–43, 268–73
hash-partitioned, 375
joining, to obtain data, 292–93
nontransactional format, 485
normalized, 166
optimizer statistics for, 273
parent-child dimension, 436
partitions, viewing, 270
staging, 268–73
summary, 135–39
transactional format, 485
Tablespace backup, 354–55
Tablespace Map, 383
Tablespaces, 38–41
altering, to read only, 258
altering, to read/write, 260
creating, 237, 256, 269
creating from SQL, 40
creating with Oracle Enterprise Manager, 39, 41
defined, 39
Easy Shopping Inc., 39, 60–61
names, 41
repository, 281
transportable, 256–60
Table Wizard, 42–43
final screen, 50, 51
partitioning criteria, 54
partitioning screen, 53–54
primary key creation within, 45–46
design, 59
new software, 396–97
system, building, 396
Timing data loads, 397
TopSessions, 383
Transformation(s), 220–25
choosing place to perform, 224–25
for cleansing data, 261–62
data cleansing, 221–22
data derivation, 222
data integration, 221
defined, 220
for deriving data, 261–62
during load process, 225
inside Oracle Server, 260–73
OWB, 289–90
as part of extraction process, 224
splitting data source into multiple targets, 266–68
with SQL*Loader, 243–44
in staging area, 224–25
warehouse key generation, 222–24
See also ETL process
Transportable tablespaces, 256–60
alter tablespace to read only step, 258
alter tablespace to read/write step, 260
create tablespace step, 258
defined, 256
export metadata step, 258–59
illustrated, 257
import metadata step, 259–60
move data step, 258
steps, 256
transport tablespace step, 259
uses, 256
See also Tablespaces
Triggers, 213
disabling, 238, 242
reenabling, 241, 243
Truncating partitions, 375–76
Tuning, 382–89
as black art, 383–84
defined, 382
plan stability, 384–89
tools, 383–84