Cross-Platform Web Services Using C# & JAVA (Charles River Media Internet & Web Design)
MEPs (Message Exchange Patterns), SOAP, 31–32
Message Exchange Patterns (MEPs), SOAP, 31–32
Message paths, SOAP, 33
Messages, SOAP, 34, 36, 38
Apache SOAP and, 142–144
body of, 34, 36
encryption and, 251
faults, 36
header blocks in, 34, 36
headers of, 34, 36, 40–42, 45–46
signing, 255–256
Methods, efficiency modifications and, 320–327
software descriptions and download information, 353–354
see also Specific software packages
Microsoft .NET, 72
ASP.NET tags, 100–101
compatibility issues, 69, 207
cross-platform consumer creation, 206–213
C# Web Services, creating and deploying, 91–100
discovery process and, 123–128
GUI consumers, 207–210
HTML requests, 345–346
.NET Framework SDK™, 88, 100–106
operating system compatibility, 88
prerequisites for use, 88–90
SOAP and, 10–11
testing, 207
Visual Studio.NET, 88–89
Web Service creation, 196–198
WebServiceStudio, 203–206
Web Service tools and, 13
Microsoft .NET Framework SDK™, 88
clients compiled with, 122–123
consumer creation with, 117–123
creating Web Services with, 100–106
description and download information, 353
Microsoft .NET initiative
VisualBasic.NET (VB.NET) and, 359–363
Microsoft .NET Redistributable, 88
description and download information, 353–354
Microsoft .NET Web Service Studio, description and download information, 354
Middle tiers
ASP.NET pages and, 327–335
C# code to access XML, 301–312
creating, 309–312
efficiency issues, 312–327
tracking state, 327–335
XML data, 300–301
Myns definition, 57
MyXSD definition, 57