Linux Clustering With Csm and Gpfs

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Chapter 1: Clustering Concepts and General Overview

Figure 1-1: Beowulf logical view
Figure 1-2: Logical functions of a physical node

Chapter 2: New Linux Cluster Offering From IBM: Cluster 1350

Figure 2-1: IBM eServer Cluster 1350
Figure 2-2: Model 345 for cluster (storage or management) nodes
Figure 2-3: Model 335 for cluster (compute) nodes
Figure 2-4: Model 360 for cluster (storage) nodes
Figure 2-5: Model HS20 for cluster (compute) nodes
Figure 2-6: Management processor network

Chapter 3: Introducing Cluster Systems Management for Linux

Figure 3-1: CSM architecture

Chapter 4: Introducing General Parallel File System for Linux

Figure 4-1: GPFS components
Figure 4-2: Direct attached disks
Figure 4-3: Primary and secondary servers
Figure 4-4: Example - Scenario and operation

Chapter 5: Cluster Installation and Configuration with CSM

Figure 5-1: Lab cluster configuration
Figure 5-2: CSM planning worksheets
Figure 5-3: ESP installation (1 of 3)
Figure 5-4: ESP configuration (2 of 3)
Figure 5-5: ESP Configuration (3 of 3)
Figure 5-6: IBM Remote Supervisor Utility - Ethernet settings

Chapter 6: Cluster Management with CSM

Figure 6-1: DCEM - xosview from all nodes

Chapter 7: GPFS Installation and Configuration

Figure 7-1: FAStT logical disk configuration

Appendix A: SRC and RSCT

Figure A-1: SRC and RSCT architecture

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