Photoshop Elements 4 for Windows (Visual Quickstart Guide)


[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Z]

Radial Blur command (Filter menu)

Radial Blur dialog box

Radial Blur filter 2nd 3rd

Radius slider

Recessed Frame effect

Reconstruct tool

Rectangular Marquee tool 2nd 3rd

rectangular selections, marquee tools 2nd

Red Eye Removal tool 2nd

Reflection tool

Remove Color command (Enhance menu) 2nd

Remove from Selection tool

Render command (Filter menu)

Render filters

repairing photos [See corrections, retouching]

Replace Color command (Enhance menu) 2nd

Replace Color dialog box 2nd

Resample Image drop-down menu

resampling 2nd

Reselect command (Select menu)

Reset Palette command (Window menu)

Reset Palette Locations command (Window menu)

Resize command

     File menu

     Image menu

Resize Windows to Fit option

resizing images

     onscreen viewing 2nd 3rd

     printing 2nd 3rd


     Crop tool [See also images, images;sizes]



     resizing images

         onscreen viewing 2nd 3rd


restrictive colors

Reticulation filter


     blurring specific areas

     colorization 2nd 3rd 4th

     cropping images 2nd 3rd 4th


         Clone Stamp tool 2nd

         Healing Brush tool

         Spot Healing Brush tool 2nd


         Paint Bucket tool 2nd

         Pattern Stamp tool 2nd

     Red Eye Removal tool

     removing color 2nd


         image 2nd 3rd

         specific image area

     Smudge tool

    straightening photos

         crooked digital photos

         scanned automatically 2nd

     tonal adjustments

         Burn tool

         Dodge tool

         Sponge tool

RGB color modes 2nd 3rd

Ripple filter

Ripple Frame effect

Rise style

Rivet style

RLE compression options

Rotate command (Image menu) 2nd

Rotate menu commands

     Straighten and Crop Image

     Straighten Image

rotating shapes

Rough Pastels filter

Rounded Rectangle tool

Roundness value

Rubber Stamp effect

rulers 2nd

Rulers command (View menu)

Running Water effect
