Photoshop Elements 4 for Windows (Visual Quickstart Guide)

When you launch Photoshop Elements for the first time, the Layers palette automatically appears in the lower-right corner of your screen in the palette bin. You can use the Layers palette from within the palette bin, or drag it out into the work area.

From within the Layers palette, you can select which layer to make the active layer, display and hide layers, and lock layers to protect them from unintentional changes (Figure 5.3). You can also change layer names, set the opacity (transparency) of individual layers, and apply blending modes.

Figure 5.3. The Layers palette shows stacked layers exactly as they're arranged in your image, with the active layer on top. This palette gives you complete control over the stacking order of your layers, whether they're visible or hidden.

The palette menu offers quick access to many of the same commands found on the Layer menu, plus options for changing the appearance of the palette thumbnails.

To view the Layers palette

Do one of the following:

  • Choose Window > Layers.

  • Click the arrow on the Layers palette tab in the palette bin.

  • Choose Window > Reset Palette Locations to return all of the palettes to their default locations, including Layers, which appears in the lower right.

To view the Layers palette menu

  • Click the More button in the top-right corner of the Layers palette (Figure 5.4).

    Figure 5.4. Click the More button to display the Layers palette menu.

    Once the Layers palette menu is open, you can select a command from the menu.


  • To change the appearance of the layer thumbnail views, choose Palette Options from the Layers palette menu and click the size you want (Figure 5.5). The smaller the icon, the more layers you're able to view at one time on the palette. So if you find yourself working on images with a lot of layers, the smallest thumbnails may work best.

    Figure 5.5. You can choose the size of the thumbnail views from the Layers Palette Options menu.
