IN BRIEF As you saw in the previous chapter, using the ADO.NET data providers gives you a consistent user experience, whether you're connecting to some OLE DB data source, SQL, Oracle, or even an ODBC data source. The goal of the consistent data provider model is that programmers need to learn to use only one set of interfaces, regardless of which database they are accessing. You've seen it from the consumer point of view, and this chapter will show you ADO.NET data providers from the perspective of the data provider. In this chapter, you will see a lot of code for creating your own custom data provider. In addition to the code for a custom provider, you will also see the details on all the interfaces required to implement a provider, as well as guidelines for when you should and should not implement your own custom provider. WHAT YOU NEED REQUIRED SOFTWARE | .NET Framework SDK v1.1 VSVisual Studio .NET 2003 w/with C# Installedinstalled | RECOMMENDED HARDWARE | PC that meets .NET SDK minimum requirements | SKILLS REQUIRED | C# and .NET Familiarityfamiliarity Familiarity with web services (see Chapters 18 and 32) |
CREATING A CUSTOM ADO.NET DATA PROVIDER AT A GLANCE Custom Data Providers | 555 | | | | When to Create a Data Provider | 555 | Sample Data Provider Scenario | 556 | | Steps for Implementing a Custom Data Provider | 556 | Overview of the Remote Data Provider | 557 | Implementing IDataParameter and IDataParameterCollection | 558 | | | | The IDataParameter Interface | 558 | The RDPParameter Class | 559 | | The IDataParameterCollection Interface | 559 | The RDPParameterCollection Class | 563 | Implementing a Custom Connection | 565 | | | | The IDbConnection Interface | 566 | The RDPConnection Class | 566 | Implementing a Custom Command | 569 | | | | The IDbCommand Interface | 569 | The RDPCommand Class | 570 | Implementing a Custom DataReader | 575 | | | | The IDataReader Interface | 575 | The RDPDataReader Class | 576 | Implementing a Custom DataAdapter DataAdapter | 582 | | | | The IDbDataAdapter Interface | 582 | The RDPDataAdapter Class | 582 | Summary | 587 | | |