IN BRIEF This chapter explains the reasons for and how to instrument a .NET application. In this chapter, you will learn why you instrument your application. You will learn the different methods of instrumentation that are provided in the Windows operating system. Finally, you will learn how to create an application that utilizes the Enterprise Instrumentation Framework (EIF) to enable your application to provide instrumentation services by utilizing the Windows event log, Windows event trace, and/or Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). WHAT YOU NEED RECOMMENDED SOFTWARE | Windows XP Professional or Windows 2000 Professional SP3 or higher .NET Framework v1.0 or higher Visual Studio.NET Enterprise Architect, Enterprise Developer, or Professional Edition C# .NET environment Enterprise Instrumentation Framework WMI | RECOMMENDED HARDWARE | .NET-enabled desktop client | SKILLS REQUIRED | C# coding |
INSTRUMENTING YOUR APPLICATION AT A GLANCE Instrumenting Applications | 890 | | | | Introduction to Instrumenting an Application | 891 | Examining the Debug and Trace Classes | 895 | | Methods of Instrumentation | 892 | Windows Management Instrumentation | 897 | | Windows Event Log | 892 | | | Enterprise Instrumentation Framework | 902 | | | | Introducing the EIF | 902 | Elements of the EIF | 903 | | Enterprise Instrumentation Framework Requirements | 903 | Configuring EIF | 906 | Summary | 907 | | | Further Reading | 907 | | |