Firefox and Thunderbird Garage
Ahh, spam. It's everywhere. Check out this 2004 quote from Bill Gates at the World Economic Forum: "Two years from now, spam will be solved." Well, he certainly took a rather optimistic view of how many inroads we would be able to make in the fight against spam. Instead of winning the war on spam, in many ways, we are continuing to fight a seemingly never-ending battle. Spam continues to flow into inboxes all over the world at an alarming rate. Companies scramble to implement server-side spam filters while consumers troll the web trying to find solutions to keeping spam out of their inbox and to keep themselves free of viruses, Trojan horses, and worms. Spam isn't only an annoyanceit carries a host of other threats that can be damaging to both you and your livelihood. It's also a very popular luncheon meat. In many ways, this might be the most important chapter that you read in the Thunderbird section. First, you are probably concerned about protecting your privacy, especially when it comes to sending and receiving email. Second, you are most likely painfully aware of how precious time is and how annoying it can be to have to deal with large volumes of spam as well as the threat of viruses arriving via email messages. The takeaways from this chapter will be significant. You should come away with a better understanding of ways Thunderbird helps protect your privacy and keep you safe. You will confront spam head on by configuring Thunderbird's powerful junk mail controls so that spam will be a thing of the past, thus leaving you more time to focus on the mail that is really important to you. You will learn how to accept content from trusted sources by blocking remote images. Finally, your odyssey will take you into the brave new world of password and privacy options as you learn about ways you can use digital signatures to protect your privacy and security.