Firefox and Thunderbird Garage


[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Y] [Z]

T.W.I.N.K.I.E.S. Project website

tab bar (Firefox) tabbed browsing (Firefox) 2nd 3rd     bookmarking multiple tabs

     closing tabs

     extensions for     opening tabs         bookmarks in tabs

         links in tabs         live bookmarks in tabs

     reloading tabs     setting home pages     setting options

     switching between tabs

     with multiple windows

Tabbrowser Preferences extension 2nd website Teacup website 2nd

text (Firefox), resizing

thank you replies (email pet peeves) Theme Manager (Firefox). [See also themes]

     installing themes

     switching between themes

     uninstalling themes     updating themes Theme Manager (Thunderbird). [See also themes]

     installing themes

     switching between themes

     uninstalling themes

themes 2nd 3rd


     customizing Firefox

     downloading 2nd

     for Mac OS X

     in Thunderbird

     installing 2nd 3rd

     Mostly Crystal

     switching between 2nd

     uninstalling 2nd     updating 2ndthird-party support

     Firefox help

     Thunderbird help threaded email messages (Thunderbird) Throbber

     changing URL for     defined


     account settings

     Address Book         creating mailing lists         default address books

         exporting addresses

         importing addresses         quicksearch feature         sending instant messages from

     and anti-virus programs     and AOL

     and Gmail     and Hotmail     and Yahoo! Mail

     as default email client

     CD for

     compacting folders

     compatibility with Firefox     customizing [See also extensions, themes]

     default email check

     description of     downloading

     dynamic development

     email account, recovering after deleting

    email messages. [See email messages]     exporting Mac OS X addresses to    extensions. [See extensions]

     feature set


         by sender

         creating from messages

         into folders

         lack of global filters


         manually running on folders

    Global Inbox feature. [See Global Inbox feature (Thunderbird)]

     hacking configuration files

         about:config file

         user.js file

     headers, hiding     history of 2nd     importing AOL addresses


     JavaScript Console     junk mail management    keyboard shortcuts

         Linux         Macintosh


     list of credits

     localized builds, downloading     mail notification     Manage Identities feature

     master password, inheriting

    menus. [See menu commands (Thunderbird)]     message pane, password protecting     migrating from another email client

     migrating profiles to    mouse shortcuts

         Linux         Macintosh         Windows

     moving to new computer

     multiple account settings, outgoing mail servers

     new account setup 2nd 3rd

         mail account setup 2nd         newsgroup account setup

         retrieving messages

         RSS account setup     new mail notification

     offline settings

     older versions of

     online help     opening URL links     Password Manager

         master password

         stored mail passwords

     portable version

    privacy features. [See privacy features (Thunderbird)]

    profiles. [See profiles (Thunderbird)]

     reasons to use

     RSS feeds

     saved searches 2nd

         changing criteria


    security features. [See security features (Thunderbird)]

     Server Settings for POP accounts

     spellchecker for     synching with Palm     system requirements

    themes. [See themes]

     Throbber 2nd     toolbar, customizing     uninstalling

     unofficial builds, downloading     upgrading

Thunderbird Attachment Tools extension

Thunderbird Extension for Sender Verification

Thunderbird Tips and Tricks website time and date, websites for timeout settings, master password

Timestamp extension

tin website title bar (Firefox) TLS (Transport Layer Security) 2nd

Today Date and Time website tone of voice (email pet peeves)

toolbar (Thunderbird), customizing Toolbar Enhancements extension toolbar extensions

toolbar icons (Firefox)

     default icons


toolbars (Firefox)     adding bookmarklets to

     creating new

     customizing     hiding

Tools menu (Firefox)

Tools menu (Thunderbird) 2nd

training Junk Mail filter (Thunderbird) training.dat file (Thunderbird) translations of Firefox

Transport Layer Security (TLS) 2nd

trojan horses 2nd

trust settings for certificates

Twain, Mark

tweaking. [See customizing]
