Struts: The Complete Reference, 2nd Edition
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Tag library definition, 35
Tag Library Descriptor alias, 35
taglib directive (JSP), 62, 197, 257, 285, 327
taglib-location tag, 62, 197, 257, 285, 327
taglib-uri tag, 62, 197, 257, 285, 327
Task definitions for Cactus Ant tasks, 445
tearDown( ) method, 438, 446
Test cases, creating, 453-454
Test reports (Canoo WebTest), 458
Test run using JUnit Swing test runner, 439
testAdministratorAccess( ) method, 452
test.cactus target, 445
TestCase (JUnit), 443, 446, 448-449
Testing, 435-461
of application performance, 458-461
of controller behavior, 442-450
of a JSP in isolation, 451
script for, 454
of the Spanish application version, 190-192
types of, 435-436
use-case-driven, 453-458
using assertions in, 452
of the view, 450-452
testSuccess( ) method, 447-448
Text sizing, internationalization for, 126
text tag (Struts HTML Tag Library), 23, 246-248
attributes, 246-248
example usage, 248
name property, 23
textarea tag (Struts HTML Tag Library), 248-250
attributes, 248-250
example usage, 250
Tiles attributes, 119-120
Tiles configuration file, 377-387
defining a definition in, 120
editing with Struts Console, 387
list of tags, 379
Tiles configuration file tags, 379-386
Tiles definitions, 119-120
as target of Struts forward, 126
creating, 120-124
defining, 120
extending, 121
inserting into JSPs, 125
using, 125-126
using as attribute values, 123-124
Tiles framework, 10, 117-149
adding to Mini HR application, 141-149
adding to struts-config.xml file, 147-149
enabling, 119, 378
how it works, 119
internationalizing, 126-129
master layout JSP, 118
overview of, 119
using, 119-126
using with modules, 168-169
Tiles layout, 118
Tiles 1.1 configuration file, 467
Tiles request processor, 126
Tiles Tag Library, 119-120, 124, 129-130
Tiles Tag Library tags, 130-141
as placeholders, 124
inside JSPs, 121
Struts-EL, 349-350
table of, 131
Tiles TLD file
adding to Mini HR application, 141-142
referencing from JSPs, 340
tiles-definitions tag (Tiles configuration file), 385-386
DTD definition, 386
example usage, 386
tiles-defs_es.xml file, 128-129
tiles-defs_fr.xml file, 128
tiles-defs.xml file, 119-120, 127, 129, 146-147
Timed test for EmployeeSearchServiceTest class, 459
Timed tests (JUnitPerf), 458-459
downloading and installing, 39
UserDatabase realm, 415
webapps directory, 115, 149
Tomcat SSL How-To documentation, 432
tomcat-users.xml file, 415
transport-guarantee element, 420
Transport-level security, 419
Try-catch blocks for exceptions, 153
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