Struts: The Complete Reference, 2nd Edition
Common Tag Attributes
As mentioned earlier, many of the tags in this library have several attributes in common. They are described in the following table.
Attribute | Description | Accepts JSP Expression | Required |
accesskey | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the keyboard key that causes this control to immediately receive focus when the key is pressed. | Yes | No |
alt | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the alternate text for this control. | Yes | No |
altKey | Specifies a key from the application resource bundle whose value will be used to set the corresponding HTML tag's alt attribute. | Yes | No |
bundle | Specifies the logical name of a resource bundle that will be used when looking up message keys specified by other attributes of this tag (e.g., altKey). The referenced resource bundle must be defined in the application's Struts configuration file. | Yes | No |
disabled | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Accepts true or false to specify whether the control will be disabled, preventing its use. Defaults to false. | Yes | No |
indexed | Accepts true or false to specify whether the value assigned to the corresponding HTML tag's name attribute will have an index (e.g., "name[x].property"). This attribute is applicable only when this tag is nested inside the Logic Tag Library's iterate tag. Defaults to false. | Yes | No |
onblur | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the JavaScript code to execute when this control loses input focus. | Yes | No |
onchange | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the JavaScript code to execute when this control loses input focus and its value has changed. | Yes | No |
onclick | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the JavaScript code to execute when this control receives a mouse click. | Yes | No |
ondblclick | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the JavaScript code to execute when this control receives a mouse double-click. | Yes | No |
onfocus | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the JavaScript code to execute when this control receives input focus. | Yes | No |
onkeydown | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the JavaScript code to execute when this control has focus and a key is pressed. | Yes | No |
onkeypress | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the JavaScript code to execute when this control has focus and a key is pressed and released. | Yes | No |
onkeyup | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the JavaScript code to execute when this control has focus and a key is released. | Yes | No |
onmousedown | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the JavaScript code to execute when this control is under the mouse pointer and a mouse button is pressed. | Yes | No |
onmousemove | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the JavaScript code to execute when this control is under the mouse pointer and the mouse is moved. | Yes | No |
onmouseout | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name.Specifies the JavaScript code to execute when this control is under the mouse pointer and is then moved away from the control. | Yes | No |
onmouseover | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the JavaScript code to execute when this control is not under the mouse pointer and is then moved to the control. | Yes | No |
onmouseup | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the JavaScript code to execute when this control is under the mouse pointer and a mouse button is released. | Yes | No |
style | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the CSS style to apply to this control. | Yes | No |
styleClass | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's class attribute. Specifies the CSS class to apply to this control. | Yes | No |
styleId | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's id attribute. Specifies the CSS ID to apply to this control. | Yes | No |
tabindex | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the tab order for this control. | Yes | No |
title | Same as the corresponding HTML tag's attribute with the same name. Specifies the title for this control. | Yes | No |
titleKey | Specifies a key from the application resource bundle whose value will be used to set the corresponding HTML tag's title attribute. | Yes | No |