IBM i5/iSeries Primer(c) Concepts and Techniques for Programmers, Administrators, and Sys[... ]ators

SSP Procedures

The S/36E supports most of the SSP procedures of the true S/36. The exceptions are because of differences in architecture, which make it impractical or down-right impossible to support certain functions.

For example, the S/36 needs to run the COMPRESS procedure periodically, to gather all available disk space (which may be scattered in tiny fragments throughout the disks) in a single spot. Because of the single-level storage architecture of the i5, this procedure is completely useless.

The supported procedures run without modification.


You can create a STRTUP1 or STRTUP2 procedure (or both) in #LIBRARY or in the system operators sign-on library. #STRTUP1 and #STRTUP2 are executed after other jobs are allowed to run. In other words, both procedures are treated as #STRTUP2.


If you need to run a procedure before anyone signs on or other jobs run, you must do some native programming. The system value QSTRUPPGM contains the qualified name of the start-up program that runs during IPL. You can change this program to include the Start S/36 Procedure (STRS36PRC) command so that it executes your procedure as part of the start-up process. The start-up program is discussed in Chapter 2.

New Procedure (FLIB)

The FLIB procedure allows you to specify which library is to supply the data files for the session. By default, that library is QS36F, but you can change it for the duration of your session by using the FLIB procedure. If you want to make the change permanent, you must run the Change S/36 (CHGS36) command.

FLIB's second parameter allows values LIBL and NOLIBL. Using this parameter, you can specify whether you want your session to use the native library-list support to locate data files if they dont happen to be in your files library.

Both parameters are optional, but at least one must be specified. If you omit one of the parameters, your sessions setting (that would be controlled by the missing parameter) will not change. For example, lets say you execute:


Because the first parameter is not given, your sessions files library remains unchanged. However, because you selected libl for the second parameter, your session will start using the library-list support.


The changes made by FLIB dont become effective immediately. The changes are deferred until the first-level procedure ends.

New OCL Statements

IBM created some OCL statements for the S/36 environment to allow ported S/36 applications to take advantage of native architecture. Here are two especially useful ones:

Examples of TIMERSET:


The above statement prepares the system for automatic, unattended IPL on May 3, 1999 at 7:00 a.m.


This statement indicates that the system should re-IPL after a power failure.


This statement indicates that remote IPL should be allowed.


This statement lists the current settings made with // TIMERSET in the current SYSLIST device.

Mixing OCL and CL in Procedures

S/36E procedures let you mix S/36E OCL and native CL commands within the statements. Native commands can be placed anywhere you can place the name of a procedure or an OCL statement, except between the // RUN and // END statements.

Each time a procedure encounters a new statement, it tries to execute it as an OCL statement first. If it is not an OCL statement, it tries to execute it as a pro-cedure. If it is not a procedure, it executes it as a native command. Thus, you cannot include commands that have the same name as an OCL statement or a procedure unless you qualify the command to force the OCL interpreter to recognize it as a command.

This qualification can be made using a command label or a library name (or *LIBL). For example, suppose you have a command named FILE (which matches the name of an OCL statement) and you want to run it in a procedure. Here are two ways to show that you wish to run a CL command:

// X: FILE (uses a command label, X) // *LIBL/FILE (uses a library qualifier, *LIBL)

You can also mix OCL constructs within a native command. For example, an OCL statement such as the following is perfectly valid:

// CRTLIB LIB(?1?)

This statement uses the value of parameter 1 as the value to be passed to the LIB parameter of the native CRTLIB command. Here is another example:

// EVALUATE P4='CRTLIB LIB(?5?)' // ?4?

The first statement assigns a command string with an embedded substitution expression that is evaluated first to parameter 4. If parameter 5 has the value MYLIB, P4 obtains the value CRTLIB LIB(MYLIB). The second statement exe-cutes that command.


If the CL command ends in error, the ?MSGID? substitution expression will contain the ID of the *ESCAPE message issued by the CL command. If the CL command ends normally, ?MSGID? is blank. After executing a CL command, your OCL procedure can check ?MSGID? to see if the command executed correctly.

New Substitution Expressions

Four OCL substitution expressions have been created specifically for the S/36E. These are:
