IBM i5/iSeries Primer(c) Concepts and Techniques for Programmers, Administrators, and Sys[... ]ators

cabling, 6

case sensitivity in commands, 113

Change Command Default (CHGCMDDFT), 120

Change Current Library (CHGCURLIB), 311

Change Device Description (CHGDEVxxx), 220

Change Job Description (CHGJOBD), 39, 225

Change Journal (CHGJRN), 255

Change Message Queue (CHGMSGQ), 107-109

Change Output Queue (CHGOUTQ), 243-244

Change Physical File (CHGPF), 319

Change Profile (CHGPRF), 190

Change Spool File Attributes (CHGSPLFA), 55-56, 57-59, 58, 59

Change System Library List (CHGSYSLBL), 312

Change System Value (CHGSYSVAL), 10, 20, 20, 119, 177-178

Change System/36 (CHGS36), 340, 340, 340

Change User Profile (CHGUSRPRF), 9, 190, 212

Change Writer (CHGWTR), 63-64

checkpoints, 74

checksum, 292

CL language, OCL, 343-347

Cleanup Tasks menu in OA, 88-89, 89

Clear Physical File Member (CLRPFM), 319

CODE Designer, 327

collection services, 163

Color Mapping, iSeries Access, 196, 196

combined authorities, 207, 207 t

command (CMD) object, 306

command authorities, 232

commands, 111-127

abbreviations used in, 112, 112 t

case sensitivity in, 113

Change Command Default (CHGCMDDFT) and, 120

customizing, 120-122

finding, 114-118

function keys and, 125-127

help with, 125

keywords and, 119

menus of, 114, 115-118, 116, 117, 118

name structure of, OS/400, 111-114, 112 t, 113t

nested prompting in, 126, 126

parameters for, 119, 123-125

parts of, 114

prompter for, 122-131, 123

Select Command (SLTCMD) and, 114, 115

System/36 environment and, 339

COMMIT, commitment control, 259-260

commitment control, 258-260

COMMIT and ROLLBACK in, 259-260

End Commitment Control (ENDCMTCTL) and, 259

prerequisites for, 259

Start Commitment Control (STRCMTCTL) and, 259

communications, security and settings, 232

Communications Configurations Tasks menu in OA, 89, 90

compressing objects, 268

computer room design and layout, 3-7


iSeries Navigator and, 159-163, 159

QAUTOCFG and, 188

Restore Configuration (RSTCFG) and, 81-82, 287

Save Configuration (SAVCFG) and, 78

security and, 235, 236-237

Setup menu in OA and, 96-97, 96

storage and, saving current, 284

verifying, after upgrade, 287

connections, iSeries Navigator, setting up, 141-144, 141, 142t, 143, 144, 145

Control Language (CL), 19

controller description (CTLD) object, 306

controlling the system, 29-41

checking system activity in, 34-36

hardware management console (HMC) for, 30

QHST system log and, 40-41, 40

QSYSOPR and, 30-33

system console for, 29-30

Copy File (CPYF), 319, 320

Copy Source File (CPYSRCF), 320

Create Data Area (CRTDTAARA), 182

Create Device (CRTDEVxxx), 220

Create Device Printer (CRTDEVPRT), 226

Create Display File (CRTDSPF), 326

Create Duplicate Object (CRTDUPOBJ), 48

Create Job Description (CRTJOBD), 225

Create Journal (CRTJRN), 252

Create Journal Receiver (CRTJRNRCV), 252

Create Library (CRTLIB), 293, 299-300

Create Logical File (CRTLF), 321-322, 321

Create Output Queue (CRTOUTQ), 226, 243-244

Create Physical File (CRTPF), 318

Create Printer Device (CRTDEVPRT), 241-242

Create Printer File (CRTPRTF), 327

Create Save File (CRTSAVF), 83

Create Source Physical File (CRTSRCPF), 320

Create Subsystem Description (CRTSBSD), 47

Create User Profile (CRTUSRPRF), 9, 190, 212-214

cumulative PTF, 282, 286

current library, 311
