Ajax Bible

Sack Ajax framework, 216–221

sack function, Sack framework, 216

Sack object

method property, 219

requestFile property, 219

runAjax method, 220

Sajax, 251–259, 265

sajax_handle_client_request method, 254

Sajax.php file, 253–255, 257, 258

SaneBull Market Monitor, 26–27


DomDocument object, 243

load method, 246

serialize method, 245

Save button, 274

script loops, PHP, 124

SCRIPT_FILENAME server variable, $_SERVER, 557

SCRIPT_NAME server variable, $_SERVER, 557

<script> element, 37, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 87, 255, 268, 428, 450

scrolling text, 405–407

searches, live, 8–9


overview, 591

password protection, 601–605

protection against malicious users, 591–600

proxy servers, 600–601

public and private key password encryption, 619–630

server-side user authentication, 605–619

<security-constraint> element, 605

Select/dropdown tag, Ajax Tag Library, 276

selectSingleNode method, 245

Send button, 272

send method, XMLHttpRequest object, 90, 91, 100

serialize method, Sarissa, 245

server variables, 556–560

SERVER_ADMIN server variable, $_SERVER, 557

SERVER_NAME server variable, $_SERVER, 557

SERVER_PORT server variable, $_SERVER, 557

SERVER_PROTOCOL server variable, $_SERVER, 557

SERVER_SIGNATURE server variable, $_SERVER, 557

SERVER_SOFTWARE server variable, $_SERVER, 557

servers, JavaScript sent from, 145–151

server-side frameworks


Ajax Tag Library, 276–278

Direct Web Remoting, 271–276

SWATO with Java, 279–281

overview, 251


LibAjax, 265–271

Sajax, 251–259

Xajax, 260–265

Ruby on Rails

accessing downloaded data in code, 288–294

downloading text with Ajax, 282–288

server-side scripts, passing data to

with GET method, 106–110

with POST method, 110–115

server-side user authentication, 605–619

ServletRequest class, 634, 635, 637–639, 644–651, 654–657

ServletResponse, 634, 635, 637–639, 644–651, 654–657

setAttribute method, 308

setIsAsynchronous member, ajax object, 231

setlocale string function, PHP, 483

setMethod member, ajax object, 231

setPagePath method, 231

setPagePath member, ajax object, 231

setRequestData member, ajax object, 231

setRequestHeader method, XMLHttpRequest, 90, 92

setTimeout function, JavaScript, 463

setVar function, Sack framework, 216

sha1 string function, PHP, 484

sha1_file string function, PHP, 484

shopping carts enabled with Ajax

creating cross-browser mouse event object, 315–320

handling mouse down events, 320–323

handling mouse move events, 323–324

handling mouse up events, 325–328

overview, 310–315

show method, 396

showing menu, 396–398

showMessage function, JavaScript, 49–50, 80

sibling node, 298, 345

similar_text string function, PHP, 484

single Web page, PHP applications in, 563–566

soundex string function, PHP, 484

space, white

in cross-browser way, 361–365

in Mozilla, Netscape, and Firefox Web browsers, 359–361

<span> element, 52, 56, 408, 418

split function, JavaScript, 396

spreadsheets, 12

sprintf string function, PHP, 484

src attribute, <script> element, 43

srcElement property, 319

sscanf string function, PHP, 484

startRequest member, ajax object, 231


echo statement, 469, 470

else statements, 497–498

elseif statements, 498–499

if statements

else statements, 497–498

elseif statements, 498–499

overview, 65–68

JavaScript statement, 39, 49

loop statements

do…while loop, 505–506

for loop, 74–75, 501–503

foreach loop, 506–508

overview, 73–78

while loop, 75–78, 503–505

switch statements, 499–501

var statement, JavaScript, 60

status property, XMLHttpRequest, 90, 91, 92, 96

statusText property, XMLHttpRequest, 90, 91, 92

str_ireplace string function, PHP, 484

str_pad string function, PHP, 484

str_repeat string function, PHP, 484

str_replace string function, PHP, 484

str_rot13 string function, PHP, 484

str_shuffle string function, PHP, 484

str_split string function, PHP, 484

str_word_count string function, PHP, 484

strcasecmp string function, PHP, 484

strchr string function, PHP, 484

strcmp function, 579

strcmp string function, PHP, 484

strcoll string function, PHP, 484

strcspn string function, PHP, 484

strings, interpolated variables in, 485–487

strip_tags string function, PHP, 484

stripcslashes string function, PHP, 484

stripos string function, PHP, 484

stripslashes string function, PHP, 484

stristr string function, PHP, 484

strlen string function, PHP, 484

strnatcasecmp string function, PHP, 484

strnatcmp string function, PHP, 484

strncasecmp string function, PHP, 484

strncmp string function, PHP, 484

strpos function, PHP, 478, 558

strrchr string function, PHP, 484

strrev string function, PHP, 485

strripos string function, PHP, 485

strrpos string function, PHP, 485

strspn string function, PHP, 485

strstr string function, PHP, 485

strtok string function, PHP, 485

strtolower string function, PHP, 485

strtoupper function, PHP, 478

strtoupper string function, PHP, 485

strtr string function, PHP, 485

Style attribute, 382

style sheets, cascading

Ajax-enabled menus

creating styles, 382–388

downloading menu items, 395–396

handling menu item clicks, 398–399

hiding menu, 400

showing menu, 396–398

working with mouse, 388–395

getting text noticed in applications, 401–405

scrolling text, 405–407

styling colors and backgrounds, 411–415

styling locations in Web pages, 416–418

styling text using, 407–411

<style> element, 158, 314, 384, 385, 386, 408

styles, creating, 382–388

Submit button, 11, 45, 523, 525, 526, 530, 533, 537, 556, 559, 565, 566, 580, 581, 585

substr function, PHP, 478

substr string function, PHP, 485

substr_compare string function, PHP, 485

substr_count string function, PHP, 485

substr_replace function, PHP, 478, 485

substring function, JavaScript, 407

substring method, 70

:success parameter, 288

sum variable, JavaScript, 61

Sun Microsystems, 36, 607–609, 636, 637, 643, 658, 663

SWATO, 13, 14, 251, 279–281

switch statements, 499–501
