Ajax Bible
What You’ll Need
To use this book profitably, you’ll need to know some basic HTML - not much, just enough to write a decent Web page. If you need to pick up HTML, take a look at one of the many excellent tutorials on the Internet. The HTML used in this book isn’t very advanced, and even if you’re not familiar with it, you can probably pick it up just by reading this book.
You’re also going to have to know JavaScript. That’s not a problem, because all the JavaScript you’ll need to know is specifically introduced in this book. However, if you feel you need more, take a look at the JavaScript tutorials online, or check out the JavaScript Bible.
Because Ajax involves communicating with the server, there will also be some PHP involved in this book, and in case you’re not familiar with PHP, that’s also not a problem because the book contains a couple of chapters to bring you up to speed on PHP.
You’ll also need a browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox, to use this book. However, because browsers have become so plentiful that you can barely do anything on a computer without bumping into one, that shouldn’t be an issue - just use the browser you’re accustomed to using.
And that’s it! You’re ready to go. Turn to Chapter 1 to see Ajax at work.