There are several other types of applications you can create. I will describe them in brief here. We will look into some of these in later chapters. -
Class library This is a group of components you wish to access from other applications. The most typical use for this is a middle- tier business rule layer, but they have other uses as well. The database components are all part of a class library, as are all of the other assemblies in the references of any application. You can also use a class library to build a set of classes to be inherited from. -
Windows control library This type of project contains Windows user controls. You would use this to build controls to use on Windows Forms. -
ASP.NET Web Service This is also a middle-tier component but it is designed to be accessed using HTTP protocol. All communication is handled by SOAP and data is transmitted as XML. ASP.NET Web Services can have a web-based client or can have a Windows GUI-based client. -
Web control library These are groups of controls designed to be used on Web Forms. -
Windows service This is an application designed to run in the background as a Windows service. Examples of services are SQL Server, IIS service, event logging, and so forth. |