Microsoft Windows Registry Guide, Second Edition
The key HKCU\Network contains data about the user's mapped network drives. Each subkey represents a mapped drive that Windows restores the next time the user logs on to the computer. The name of the subkey is HKCU\Network\Drive, where drive is the drive letter mapped to the network path. The following values are in each mapped drive's subkey:
- ConnectionType.
This REG_DWORD value specifies how to connect the drive to the local computer. A value of 1 means drive redirection and 2 means print redirection. The default value is 1.
- ProviderName.
This \CONSOLE value specifies the connection's network provider. The default value is Microsoft Windows Network.
- ProviderType.
This REG_DWORD value identifies the provider that makes the network connection. The value for the Microsoft LanMan provider is 0x20000. Other network providers use different values.
- RemotePath.
This \CONSOLE value contains the network connection's UNC path using the notation \\Computer\Share.
- UserName.
This \CONSOLE value contains the user's name, including the domain. It identifies the user who made the network connection, and Windows uses it to fill the Connect As box in the Map Network Drive dialog box.