CCNP BCMSN Exam Certification Guide (3rd Edition)
9-3. Fine-Tuning Logging Message Generation
After you have chosen and configured severity levels for logging destinations, you should make sure you are receiving only necessary messages. In other words, don't choose a severity level that can produce an abundance of messages that will be ignored. Always keep in mind that a Syslog server must receive and archive every message sent to it. Storage space is at a premium, especially when logs continuously grow over time. Here are rules of thumb to follow when choosing a severity level:
Pruning Messages
If you find that a severity level meets your needs but generates some unnecessary messages, you can "prune" those messages and keep them from being generated at all. Locate the message from an actual Syslog capture, from the lists of messages in this section, or from the message listing in Appendix B, "Security Appliance Logging Messages". Next, disable the message based on its six-digit message number with the following configuration command: Firewall(config)# no logging message message-number
You can see a listing of all the disabled logging messages with the following EXEC command: Firewall# show logging message
To re-enable a disabled message, you can use the logging message message-number configuration command. In PIX 7.x, to return all messages to their default levels, you can use the clear configure logging disabled configuration command. Changing the Message Severity Level
Recall that each logging message has a default severity level associated with it. You can change that default behavior so that a message is sent based on a configurable severity level instead. This might be useful if you choose a severity level for a logging destination that includes most (but not all) of the messages that are interesting to you. For the messages that have a higher default level and that will not be sent, you can reconfigure their level to a lower value. To change a message's severity level, use the following configuration command: Firewall(config)# logging message message-number [level level]
Here, the message is identified by its six-digit message-number or Syslog ID and is assigned a new severity level (0 to 7). To see a message's current severity level, you can use the following EXEC command: Firewall# show logging message {message-number | all}
The all keyword causes the state of all known or supported logging messages to be listed. Otherwise, you can specify the six-digit message-number to see the state of a specific message. The output shows the default severity level, the newly configured severity level (if any), and whether the message is enabled. For example, suppose a firewall administrator wants to completely disable Syslog message 111008 while changing the severity of message 111009 from its default (debugging) to notifications. You could use the following commands to accomplish and verify this: Firewall/admin(config)# logging message 111009 level notifications Firewall/admin(config)# no logging message 111008 Firewall/admin(config)# exit Firewall/admin# show logging message syslog 111009: default-level debugging, current-level notifications (enabled) syslog 111008: default-level notifications (disabled) Firewall/admin#
Access List Activity Logging
By default, logging message 106023 (default severity level 4, warnings) is generated when a deny access list entry is matched with a traffic flow. Only the overall ACL is listed in the message, with no reference to the actual denying ACL entry, as in the following example: %PIX-4-106023: Deny tcp src outside: dst inside: by access-group "acl_outside"
You can log messages when specific access control entries (ACEs, or individual permit/deny statements within an ACL) permit or deny a traffic flow by adding the log keyword to an ACE. You can also log the rate at which traffic flows match specific access list entries. This can be useful to gauge the volume of attacks or exploits that are occurring over time. After a traffic flow triggers an ACE configured for logging, the firewall keeps the flow in a cached list. If the reporting interval completes and there are no additional occurrences of the same flow, the cached entry is deleted, and the flow's hit count becomes 0. You can set the logging severity level on a per-ACE basis if needed. Otherwise, severity level 6 is the default. TIP ACE logging generates logging message 106100 (default severity level 6), which has the following format: %PIX-6-106100: access-list acl_ID {permitted | denied | est-allowed} protocol interface_name/source_address(source_port) -> interface_name/dest_address(dest_port) hit-cnt number ({first hit | number-second interval})
The ACL name acl_ID is shown to have permitted or denied a traffic flow. The specific traffic flow is defined as a protocol (UDP or TCP, for example), from the source (firewall interface name, IP address, and port) to the destination (firewall interface name, IP address, and port). If this is the first packet in a flow, the hit count is 1, followed by the "first hit" flag. If the traffic flow has already been seen and is being tracked, this logging message appears at intervals defined along with the ACE log keyword. The hit count reflects how many times the same flow has been attempted, and the hit count interval is shown as a number of seconds. Using the hit count and interval timing values allows you to calculate the flow rate that is occurring.