Red Hat Fedora 5 Unleashed


  • Laying the Foundation: The localhost Interface

  • Networking with TCP/IP

  • Network Organization

  • Hardware Devices for Networking

  • Using Network Configuration Tools

  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

  • Wireless Networking

  • Beyond the Network and onto the Internet

  • Common Configuration Information

  • Configuring Digital Subscriber Line Access

  • Configuring Dial-Up Internet Access

  • Troubleshooting Connection Problems

  • Configuring a Dial-In PPP Server

  • Reference

One of the benefits of open source technology in general and Linux in particular is that it is now mature enough to be used effortlessly across several different networking environments as well as the Internet. With strong support for the standard Internet protocol TCP/IP, Linux can also talk to all of the UNIX flavors, including Mac OS X, Windows (with the help of Samba), NetWare (IPX), and even older protocols such as DECNET and Banyan Vines. Many organizations use Linux as an Internet gateway, allowing many different clients to access the Internet through Linux, as well as communicate via email and instant messaging. This chapter covers network and Internet connectivity, as most networks invariably end up connected to the Internet in some shape or form. You will learn about how to get the basics right, including configuration and management of network cards (NICs) and other network services with Fedora. You will also find out how to manage network services from the command lineagain an important lesson in case you are ever confined to a command prompt. We will also look at connectivity options, both for inbound and outbound network traffic and the importance of PPP (Point to Point Protocol). Also included is an overview of graphical management clients for Fedora, which are becoming more and more popular.
