Software Testing Fundamentals: Methods and Metrics

CAL (client access license), 413


MS InfoPath forms, 282-283

project management and, 16

synchronize, 11

Central Administration web site, 64, 65-67

permissions, 65

security, 73

check documents out/in, 384-387

CMS, 333

description, 15

MS Office, 394

versions available in, 10

chrome, MOSS and WSS sites, 499

CM (content management)

introduction, 331

process roles, 332

reasons to use, 332-333

web content management, 335

editing web pages, 339-346

MOSS, 335-339

news editing, 346-351

news layout, 351-358


approval, 334

checkout/checkin, 333

localizations, 334

metadata, 333

policies, 334

version history, 333

workflows, 334

code behind, viewing in SharePoint Designer, 495

Code mode (SharePoint Designer), 495

Collaboration Portal site template, MOSS, 211, 212-214

Colleage Tracker, 217


description, 14

document libraries, 372-379

compatibility, SharePoint Designer, 494

Config database, backups, 530

config database

MOSS, 121

installation and, 152

WSS, 42


MOSS, 159-160

My Sites, 166-168

user profiles, 164-166

types, WSS, 35-36

Configuration Database Account, 131

contact list, synchronize, 11

Contacts, project management and, 16

content approval, document libraries, 404-405

process, testing, 405-406

Content database

backups, 530

MOSS, 121

installation and, 153

WSS, 42

content management. See CM (content management)

content pages

locating, SharePoint Designer, 522-524

WSS sites, 498

content types

columns, 389

creating, 391-394

default, listing, 390-391

description, 15

document template, 389

policies, 389

property pane, 389

workflows, 389

contextual integration, 8

contribute access, user web sites, 73

copyright statements, Master Pages, adding, 521-522

crawl, forcing, 165-166

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). See also site themes (SharePoint Designer)

file, changing, 472-476
