Microsoft Excel 2002 Visual Basic for Applications Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft))
editing macros, 9–10
Else statement, 212–213. see also If blocks
ElseIf statement, 213. see also If blocks
embedded charts. see chart objects
End Sub statements, 11
enterprise information system (EIS), 335–338
enumerated lists, 128
Err object
defined, 252
Description property, 258
error checking with, 253
error checking, 252, 253
error handlers, 257
when to use, 258–259
error messages
clearing, 248
creating, 258
error trapping, 256–259
ErrorHandler statement, 256–257
compiler, 246
logic, 246
run-time, 246
run-time, ignoring, 249–251
run-time, trapping, 256–259
syntax, 245
event handler procedures
arguments, 270
defined, 262
storage of, 272
event handlers
for check boxes, 310
for command buttons, 315
for controls, creating, 297–299
creating, 269–270
defined, 267
for workbooks, 276–277
for workbooks and worksheets, setting
precedence for, 277–279
canceling, 279–280
for user forms, default, 311
Excel methods, 244
Excel tables. see tables
Exit Sub statement, 219