Microsoft Excel 2002 Visual Basic for Applications Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft))

labels, 256–257

line breaks in macro statements, 28, 43

list boxes

inserting, 293–294

properties, changing, 294

ListObjects. see also tables

object model for, 151

lists, enumerated, 128

loan payment calculator

creating, 285–286

down payment, restricting to valid

values, 289–291

implementing, 286–287

interest rate, restricting to valid values, 291–292

protecting, 297

years, restricting to valid range, 288–289

Locals window, 76

logic errors, 246

Long integers, 241

loop counters, 224


analyzing, 229–230

breakpoints. see breakpoints

Do. see Do loops

ending, 227

For. see For loops

For Each. see For Each blocks

infinite, stopping, 224

progress display for, 233–234
