Microsoft Excel 2002 Visual Basic for Applications Step by Step (Step by Step (Microsoft))
Save button, 21
SaveChanges argument, 60
Saved property, 83
database changes when closing, 60–61
workbooks, 21
scroll bars
inserting, 291
moving, 291
properties, changing, 292
Search button, 128
Select groups
replacing with With structures, 116
simplifying, 115–116
Select method, 88
row selection with, 107
Select Objects mode, 200
Select statements, deleting unnecessary, 113–114
current region, 48, 49
Forms controls, 268
lines in VBA code, 17
objects, multiple, 200
ranges, 96–97
worksheets, all cells on, 98
worksheets, macro for, 88
worksheets, multiple, 62
Selection object, 53
Selection property, 105
Shape objects
Auto List Help for, 182–183
defined, 188
FillFormats, 183
GradientStops collection, adding to, 184
GroupItems property, 197
OnAction property, 199, 200
shape ranges
defined, 188
for multiple shapes, 188
ShapeRange objects, 188
ShapeRange property, 187
shapes. see also graphical objects
adjustment handles, 190, 191
borders, modifying, 192
changing, 184
charts as. see chart objects
in collections, referencing single, 197
creating, 182–183, 189–190
fill color, changing, 192
font shadows, adding, 194
formatting, in groups, 198
gradients, adding, 183
grouping, 196–200
linking to macros, 199
multiple, modifying, 188
naming, 185
snapping to grid, 190
text, adding, 192
text, formatting, 192–193
3-D formatting, 194–195
transparency, changing, 192
ungrouping, 199, 200
Shapes object, 188
defined, 188
shortcut keys
built-in, 9
macros, assigning to, 8–9, 16
Show method, 332
ShowAllData method, 152–153
sidebar headings
defined, 14
macro for creating, 14–15
snapping shapes to grid, 190
SpecialCells method, 132
spelling, checking in variables, 246
spin buttons
copying, 289
with fractional values, 289–290
inserting, 288
snapping to grid, 288
valid entries, entering, 288
statements. see also specific
defined, 11
line breaking, 28, 43
status bar, displaying loop progress on, 233–234
Stop Recording button, 6, 7, 115
Sub statements, 11
subcollections, 88
editing, 64–65
generalizing, 251–252
syntax errors, 245