Linux Patch Management: Keeping Linux Systems Up To Date

gateways, 805

gdm display manager, 663–665

General Options tab (Add NFS Share dialog), 499–500

geometrical positioning for X clients, 656–657

getfacl command, 805

getty, 805

GIDs (group IDs). See also SGID bit

about, 32

creating with /etc/passwd, 275

defined, 805

Red Hat user private group scheme, 280–281, 301

global settings

editing Samba, 537–538

modifying Samba server, 524–529

globbing, 25, 498

glossary, 800–818

GNOME Desktop Environment, 111, 112

defined, 805

features of, 677–679

gdm display manager for, 665

GUI printer management for, 349

illustrated, 678

Red Hat User Manager in, 277, 278

running Setroubleshoot Browser in, 716

starting Red Hat Display Settings tool with, 653

troubleshooting, 746

GParted, 194

GPG (GNU Privacy Guard), 805

GPG keys, 228

grace period for quotas, 295–297

graphic user interface. See GUI

grep command, 23

group IDs. See GIDs

groups. See also GIDs;SGID bit

about, 32

adding users to, 275–276

controlling ownership with SGID bit, 303–305

creating and maintaining, 301–305

mail group "alias" lists, 50, 602

Red Hat user private group scheme, 280–281, 301

sharing directories, 302–303

standard and Red Hat, 301–302

user private, 280–281, 301

GRUB (Grand Unified Boot) loader, 147–157

booting into runlevel of choice, 144, 164–167, 733

changing default boot stanza in, 390

command line for, 155–157

commands for loading upgraded kernels, 390

default option for Kickstart

Configurator, 257–258

defined, 805

editing commands for, 149

illustrated, 165

kernels loaded into memory by, 377

passing parameters to, 149–150

password-protecting, 735

troubleshooting errors in configuration file, 152–155

updating, 150–152, 391–392

using, 147–149

grub.conf file, 390, 391–392

grub-install command, 805

GUI (graphic user interface). See also desktops; kernel configuration menu options; X Window System

configuring with .xinitrc file, 667–669

exam coverage of, 650, 651

First Boot process with, 121

installing package group for, 120

modifying user accounts

independent of tools in, 282

Network Configuration utility, 333–334

parted tools for, 194

Service Configuration tool for controlling service, 168–169

timesaving with text methods vs., 281

tools for modifying system configuration files, 171–172

virtual consoles in, 160

GUI LVM Management tool, 425–430

about, 425

adding logical volume with, 425–427

adding physical volume, 429, 430

illustrated, 426

opening, 426

removing logical volumes, 428, 429

resizing logical volumes, 428–430

volume group creation in, 426–427

gzip command, 37–38
