Linux Patch Management: Keeping Linux Systems Up To Date

I/O (input/output) addresses, 5, 6

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), 806

ICP (Inter-Cache Protocol), 477

IEEE 1394, 78

ifconfig command, 42, 333, 337–338, 339, 742, 743, 806

ifup/ifdown commands, 333, 337

IMAP4 (Internet Mail Access Protocol)

about, 588, 589

prerequisite skills for, 45, 586

index.html files, 469

init process, 159–160, 806

init scripts, 162

initial RAM disk, 806

inspecting system logs, 364

installation, 70–142. See also kickstart

adding software from Additional CDs window, 125

Apache, 447, 449–450

boot loader configuration during, 106–107

booting options for exam, 88–89

configuring network, 81–88, 107–108

console screens for, 127–129

creating and using installation USB or CD/DVD, 89–90, 91

CUPS, 341

custom kernel compilation and, 408–409

customizing baseline packages in, 108–110

exam's focus on, 70, 71

First Boot process, 120–126

initiating with kickstart, 247

installation log file, 127

installing RPM packages, 224–225

kernel source code, 394–395

kernel upgrading vs., 389

Kickstart Configurator methods for, 257

lab questions and answers, 134–139, 141–142

Linux package groups available for, 110–120

mail server package for, 588–589

partitions added during, 99–101

post-partition steps for, 106–120

rebuild distributions for, 70

redoing rather than fixing, 126

remote installation of RPMs, 226

Samba service, 517–518

self test and answers, 133–134, 140–141

setting up from local hard drive, 87–88, 92

source RPM, 231

summarized, 129–130

system configuration during "dead time", 120

time limits on exam, 71, 88

time-efficient method for, 92–95

timezones and root password

setup, 108

troubleshooting, 127–129

two-minute drill, 131–132

vsFTP server, 512

Installation and Configuration section

Sample Exam 1, 776–781

Sample Exam 2, 793–798

installation CDs, 53–54

installation consoles, 127–129

installation log file, 127

Inter-Cache Protocol (ICP), 477


connecting multiple systems with IP masquerading, 703–705

connections during exam, 123

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), 806

Internet Mail Access Protocol. See IMAP4

Internet Printing Protocol (IPP), 26, 341, 806

Internet SCSI (ISCSI), 806

interrupt request channels. See IRQ channels

inverse DNS pointers in NFS, 504

ip6tables command, 698

IP addresses

assigning to specific network card, 630

checking if used to attack other systems, 274

configuring with Kickstart Configurator, 259

defining network with, 40–41

detecting problems with arp command, 339–340

DHCP and dynamic, 614

disguising with NAT, 703–705

following instructions for, 108

getting information from DHCP server, 86–87

IP forwarding, 382–383, 705, 806

IP numbers and address classes, 39, 40

IPv4, 806

IPv6, 39, 806

locating domain name's address for DNS server, 566

solving hostname resolution problems, 744

time needed by DNS server to propagate changes, 573–574

translating host names to, 42–43

troubleshooting, 706

IP forwarding, 382–383, 705, 806

IP masquerading, 703–705

ipchains command, 693

IPP (Internet Printing Protocol), 26, 341, 806

iptables command

automating firewall configuration, 701–703

chain rule categories for, 699

configuring, 698–700

defined, 806

effect on packets, 48–49

enabling IP masquerading with, 704–705

format for, 698

implementing packet filtering and/or NAT with, 482

preventing computers from pinging your system, 699

saving firewall configuration, 700

uses for, 693

IPv4 addresses, 806

IPv6 addresses, 39, 806

IRQ (interrupt request) channels about, 5

conflicts with HAL configurations, 73–74

planning layout for, 6

settings for, 5

ISCSI (Internet SCSI), 806

Itanium-based architecture, 75
