RCHE Red Hat Certified Engineer Linux Study Guide[c] Exam (Rh302)
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- e2label
The e2label command associates a device with a filesystem directory.
- edquota
The edquota command edits the quota for a user or a group.
- emacs
The emacs editor is a popular text editor, which can be run from a text console.
- environment
Each user's environment specifies default settings such as login prompts, terminals, the PATH, mail directories, and more.
- /etc/fstab
The /etc/fstab configuration file defines default mounted directories.
- /etc/inittab
The /etc/inittab configuration file sets the default runlevel and starts key processes such as terminal gettys.
- /etc/X11/prefdm
The /etc/X11/prefdm configuration file specifies the preferred GUI display manager.
- exportfs
The exportfs command allows shared NFS directories to be shared with a network.
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