RCHE Red Hat Certified Engineer Linux Study Guide[c] Exam (Rh302)

 < Day Day Up > 


daemons, 32-34

network daemons, 33-34

overview, 32-33

data stream options, shells, 26-27


managing with awk command, 20-21

package groups, 104

partitioning for database servers, 141-142

Date/Time Properties, 134, 275-276, 586-587

dd command, 112, 136

define directive, 463

deny directive, 439-440, 443-444

desktop environments, 397-401

GNOME, 398-399

KDE, 399

managing default, 399-401

overview, 397-398

package groups, 100-101

self test, answers, 420

self test, questions, 416-417

setting default, 388

two-minute drill, 414


device directory, 9-11

list of journaling filesystems in, 236

RAID devices and, 180

Development Tools, package groups, 105


configuring external, 53-55

/dev directory, 9-11

displaying and configuring network, 266-267

partitions associated with device files, 77

df command

checking free disk space with, 169, 170

troubleshooting boot process, 682

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 578-587

client configuration, 269, 583-585

clients, troubleshooting, 583-584

Microsoft Windows 9x and, 583

network card configuration, 92-93

Network Servers group, 104

overview, 42, 578

RPM packages for, 579

self test, answers, 595

self test, questions, 591-592

server configuration, 579-583, 585

two-minute drill, 588-589

DHCP/BOOTP server, 190, 202

dhcpclient command, 583-584

dhcpd, 579

diagnostics, with arp utility, 268-269

dig command, 557-558, 560

direct memory access (DMA), 47, 52


/etc/httpd/conf.d, 428

allow, 439, 443

define, 463

deny, 439, 443-444


include, 463

included in Apache, 434

Indexes, 443

Listen, 436, 438

Options, 435, 442

Order, 439, 443

ServerName, 438


changing (cd), 17

kernel sources and, 331

Linux filesystem and, 9-10

shared. See shared files/directories

directory command, 550

disk controllers, 81

disk drives. See also hard drives

naming disk partitions, 76-77

partitioning, 75-76

Disk Druid

compared with fdisk, 82

configuring hard drives, 74

creating RAID arrays, 177

partitioning with, 119-122, 169

disk mirroring (RAID 0), 176

disk quotas, 300-310

activation in /etc/fstab, 303-304

automating settings, 308

configuring, 310

handling with sysinit, 303

management commands, 304-305

on NFS directories, 309

overview, 300-301

quota RPM package, 302-303

reports, 308-309

self test, answers, 363

self test, questions, 358

setting in the kernel, 301-302

setting up with edquota command, 305-307

two-minute drill, 355

disk space

partition sizing and, 79

requirements for network installation, 88

requirements for Red Hat installation, 74, 108

swap space and, 80

disk striping with parity (RAID 4), 176

disk striping with parity (RAID 5), 176

disk striping without parity (RAID 0), 175-176

diskette images, 112-113

diskless clients, 571

display managers, 403-405

-display option, X Clients, 388, 413, 416, 420

Display Settings tool. See redhat-config-xfree86

DISPLAY variable

running X Clients from remote computers and, 392-393

self test, answers, 420

self test, questions, 416

setting, 394

troubleshooting, 395

two-minute drill, 414

DMA (direct memory access), 47, 52

dnl command, 463-464

DNS (Domain Name Service), 545-562

Caching-Only Name Server, 549-551

clients, 548-549

common errors, 558-559

configuration files, 547-548

domain configuration, 552-553

Forwarding-Only Name Server, 549

GUI configuration tool for, 559

local computer settings, 551-552

named daemon, 557-558

overview, 42, 545-546

reverse lookups, 552, 573

reverse zone files, 556-557

root DNS servers stored in named.ca, 551-552

RPM packages for, 546

self test, answers, 594

self test, questions, 590

server configuration, 562

two-minute drill, 588

types of DNS servers, 546

updating named.ca, 560-562

zone file creation, 554-556

DNS Configuration tool. See redhat-config-bind

DNS Information Groper. See dig command

DNS Name Server, package groups, 103


kernel sources, 331

Linux hardware, 49

Domain Controllers, 505

domain names, 544


configuring DNS, 552-553

Samba joining, 505

DOS emulation packages, 170

drivers, for boot floppy, 112

drvblock.img, 112

drvnet.img, 112

dumpe2fs command, 683-684

 < Day Day Up > 
